Chapter 13 | "time heals"

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Hyewon spent the rest of the day at NCT's house and getting to know all of the boys, even Taeyong who turned out to be much more relaxed and welcoming that she thought. She'd spent the majority of the time with Jeno's team named Dream, they said she made him more relaxed.

"Hyewon, do you have to go?" Haechan whined as she and Jeno walked towards the garage. "We we're just about to watch a movie!"

"Yeah! Can't you stay?" Jisung asked softly, causing her to let out a small chuckle.

"Sorry guys, my gang will be expecting me back tonight." She sighed with a smile. "Wouldn't want them thinking I was kidnapped or anything, but I'll be back soon, right?" She asked, turning to Jeno.

"Absolutely, I'll bring her around all the time." He said with a nod.

"And I'll talk to my gang about maybe eventually letting me stay over some time." She said cheerily, seeing the way the boys faces lit up.



"Leaving so soon, Hyewon?" Taeyong asked as he and the older members rounded the corner.

"Yeah, I have to get back. I don't want Kun to get worried." She said with a dip of her head.

"Does he know you were here today?" The older boy asked. "Or about who Jeno is?"

"I haven't exactly... gotten to that yet." She said slowly.

"No worries, Kun and I talk occasionally and I wouldn't want to make things difficult for you. I'll make sure not to bring it up until you tell me it's all good."

"Thank you so much."

"Come by again soon, alright?" Jaehyun said, stepping forward to give her a light hug. "Jeno's so much more relaxed with you around."

"I'll keep that in mind." She said, sharing a look with Jeno. "See you guys soon!"

With that, Jeno turned and led her out of the house, helping her into his car before driving her back.

"I think that went.... Well." She said slowly as they drove out of their territory.

"Are you kidding? That went great!" He exclaimed cheerily. "I knew they'd love you."

"I'm just glad they didn't get too mad at me for being on their territory." She said with a nervous chuckle.

"Oh they would never, not when they know how we're tied together." He replied. "How did you like them?"

"Your gang? Oh they're awesome. I still want a rematch against Renjun and Haechan, by the way, they totally cheated."

"They always cheat. You'll get used to it." He chuckled. "Taeyong was serious about having you over again, you know. So whenever you want to come, you're welcome to."

"Well I'm glad. I'll be taking him up on his offer." She said, turning to look at him. "You know Jeno, I just wanted to say thank you."

"What for?"

"Just for being so great to me these past two weeks. I know we're soulmates and all but I know I've been holding back a bit, so I'm sorry that-"

"Don't even start with that, you have nothing to apologize for." He said quickly, cutting her off. "There's no rushing with us, alright? You're still healing and I know that how you feel about me doesn't affect that. You can like me as much as you want, it doesn't change the fact that you're still fresh out of a long relationship and that's okay. I'm just really enjoying spending time with you and that's all that matters to me."

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