Chapter 10 | "meet you"

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Hyewon stared at the knife on her lap in front of her. She'd been sitting there for the past 20 minutes without moving a single muscle.

After their mission success, she rushed back to their house to contact her mystery boy but now that it was actually time to do so, she was panicking.

She went to online school due to her mafia training so she'd only ever known her gang members for her whole life and aside from polite conversation at truce meetings, she'd never befriended another mafia person. Let alone date one.

She knew he was her soulmate so they'd be good for eachother but she was still freaking out.

What if I say the wrong thing? What if he thinks I'm an idiot? What if he hates me?

She took a deep breath to calm herself down. She'd spent the past three weeks hoping to find this guy and now she finally could. This was her chance and she just had to take it.

Before she could chicken out, she quickly typed the number into the phone and called it. It rung about three times and which each ring, she could feel heart heart beat harder in anticipation.

"Hello?" A deep voice asked through the line, causing Hyewon to freeze entirely. "Is this the girl who has my knife from tonight?"

"Uh, hi..." she replied shyly. "Yeah, t-that would be me. I'm Hyewon."

"Jeno. So, it seems that we'll be getting to know each other pretty well, hmm?" He asked lightly.

"Yeah I guess you could say that." She chuckled out.

"Well, I'd like my knife back."

"Oh of course! Uh, how should I get it to you?"

"Are you free now?"

She paused turning to look at the clock on her bedside table. It was 2am. The boys would all be asleep by now and she could possibly sneak out if she was careful.

"Where should I meet you?"

- - -

It was chilly when Hyewon pulled up to the park that night, Jeno's knife tucked neatly into her boot. She climbed out of her car and went to sit on a nearby bench as she waited.


She immediately stood up as she saw a boy approaching her.

"Oh hi! Jeno right?" She asked seeing him pull off his mask.

She paused for a moment, staring up at him.

He's so handsome holy shit.

"I uh, here's this." She said quickly, snapping herself out of it and handing him his knife.

"Thanks." He said with a light chuckle, gesturing for her to take a seat on the bench. "So, you're my soulmate, huh?"

"I guess so." She chuckled. "Crazy, right?"

"Yeah, you could say that again." He nodded with a laugh. "So Hyewon... you're a mafia girl. WayV, right?"

"Yup, so don't try anything." She joked lightly. "Not that I could do anything, with you being part of NCT and all."

"What's that supposed to mean?" He asked with an amused huff.

"I know gang members aren't supposed to show weakness but y'all are fucking scary." Jeno let out a loud laugh at that. "I'm serious! Most of the other gangs, mine included, won't even look any of you in the eye unless they're spoken to."

"Well, I'm certainly glad you had the courage to look." He said with a chuckle. "And don't worry, once you get to meet all the guys, you'll see that they're nothing to be scared of."

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