Chapter 22

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Hyewon descended the stairs with the rest of her gang, her red ball gown flowing out from her small waist making her feel like a real princess.

It had been a few weeks since her confession to Jeno and she's been riding a high ever since. They spent ever day together, even when she had training or missions, they still found time to see eachother.

Xiaojun was still a bit of a problem, but Lucas had a talk with him so the emotional manipulation in the hallways late at night had stopped happening. She could tell he was still upset, but at least he didn't say anything to her. Even if he did, she was too infatuated with Jeno to care anymore.

"You know, you look stunning in red."

Hyewon smiled as she felt Jeno wrap his arms around her waist from behind, turning to face her boyfriend and give him a light peck as her gang dispersed into the crowd.

"I'm sure everyone in my gang is jealous." He said, smiling as he intertwined their fingers.

"And why's that?"

"Because I think I have the most beautiful soulmate I could've ever imagined." He replied sweetly, giving her a kiss on the hand and making her cheeks heat up in a blush.

"I got pretty lucky myself." She replied, the two of them grinning as they approached the tables where his gang was sitting, all the boy standing up to greet her.

"Well well well, if it isn't our young colors together again." Taeyong said as they walked up, going to give Hyewon a light squeeze. "You look gorgeous, Hyewon."

"Thanks, Tae." She said with a grin. "All of you clean up pretty nice."

"Yeah well, your boyfriend over here insisted on this little ball and we've got a reputation to uphold." Jaemin said, rolling his eyes as she took a seat with the dreamies.

"Ugh, this annoying one is here again? Just say you wish you were in NCT and go." Haechan said sarcastically, giving her a playful shove.

"Oh please, the annoying one in this relationship is you." She replied, the two of them sharing a grin.

"Be careful throwing around the word 'relationship', Hye, Jeno might attack him in youre not careful." Mark joked, earning himself a light shove from Jeno. "I'm kidding, I'm kidding."

"So, you're not worried about your gang catching you with us?" Jisung asked as he looked around.

"Not tonight. They know we're supposed to be friendly and everything tonight. Mingling and dancing with all the other gangs." She said with a nod, Jeno's face lighting up with a smile.

"Speaking of dancing," he said, catching her attention as he rose from his seat. "Would you like to join me?"

She smiled up at him, waving a quick goodbye to the boys at the table and taking his outstretched hand.

"I'd love to."

The two of them chuckled lightly as he led her onto the dance floor, his hands resting on her waist and hers around his neck as they swayed lightly to the soft music.

"So, why haven't you told your members about us yet?" Jeno asked, breaking their comfortable silence. "I'm not mad about it, just curious. Is everything okay?" He added, seeing the worry on her face.

"Yeah of course." She replied quickly.

"you're not... embarrassed by me or anything, right?"

"Oh god no, you're amazing. I'm so proud to be able to say we're together." She said with a genuine smile, seeing him let out a breath of relief. "It's just that... you know my ex is in my gang and it was hard for everyone when we split. Not to mention the fact that all the guys, especially the older ones are very protective."

"They've met their colors already, right?"

"Yeah but none of them are involved in the mafia, especially not a rival gang." She sighed.

"Well, I wouldn't quite call us rivals, we're not enemies or anything."

"That's true, I don't know what I would've done if we were but either way, the guys always hated the idea of me ending up with a mafia guy unless he was in our own gang." She said, rolling her eyes at their protectiveness before shaking her head. "You're a good guy and I'm sure they'll love you."

"So do any of them know I'm in the mafia?"

"Lucas does, obviously, but he's the only one." She said with a nod. "I just wanted to wait for the right time when we could be neutral. I don't think they'd like it if I brought you onto our territory, you know?"

"Yeah I get that. My gang adores you, but they didn't love the fact that I showed you our base."

"You know I'd never do anything to you guys."

"Of course, and they know it too. It just took a bit." He replied with a reassuring smile, giving her forehead a light peck. "So you said you were waiting for neutral ground, when do you think that is gonna be?"

She looked up at him with a mischievous smile, the corners of her lips turning up playfully.

"Right now."

"Now?" He exclaimed, his eyes widening in alarm.

"Yeah, its perfect."

"Wait, I'm not ready right now, what am I even going to say? What if they hate me? What if they-"

"Jeno, relax. It's just some guys, just like your gang."

"I know but these guys are your family. They're the closest thing you have to parents, I want them to like me." He said with a nervous sigh.

"They will."

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