Chapter 23

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She gently took his arm, giving his a reassuring squeeze as she led him off the dance floor and over to where the rest of her gang members were sitting.

"Hey Hyewon, having a good time?" Ten asked with a smile as she walked up.

"Mmhmm it's great!"

"Who, uh, who's this guy?" Kun said, looking Jeno up and down with narrowed eyes.

"Um this is Jeno, from NCT."

"It's great to meet you all." He said quickly, dropping into a deep bow.

"I uh, have something to tell you guys, actually." She said slowly, feeling all eyes turn to her. "Jeno and I...." She paused, gripping his hand snd intertwining their fingers. "He's my colors."

She saw Xiaojun scoff from his seat, rolling his eyes angrily and getting up to go somewhere else. Jeno looked at her in alarm when he saw that but she just shook her head.

"Are you kidding?" Kun exclaimed, his eyes dark. "Hyewon, you know how we feel about other mafia members...."

"I know but I can't help who my soulmate is... and Jeno makes me happy." She said softly, looking at her boyfriend a loving smile.

"Oh ease up, Kun, we should be happy for her." Ten said lightly, rising from his seat snd approaching Jeno. "But if you ever hurt Hyewon, even for a split second, I will not hesitate to rip you limb from limb."

"Got it. I promise I'll take good care of her." Jeno replied quickly.

"Hyewon, can I have a word with you?" Kun sighed, Jeno releasing her hand as she moved to the side of the room to go and talk to her leader. "Why didn't you tell us earlier?"

"Because I know how protective you get."

"Do I have a reason to be protective? Is there any reason for me to be concerned about him?"

"No. I promise." She said softly, shaking her head.

"And what about his gang? NCT is dangerous." Kun continued, eyeing Jeno as he walked back over to the tables where his gang was.

"They won't cause me any trouble."

"And how do you know this?"

"Because they already like me."

"You've met them?" Kun exclaimed, his eyes widening in shock.

"...maybe?" She replied sheepishly, seeing Kun let out a sigh. "Okay yes, Jeno brought me over to their house for the first time a little over three months ago."

"Three months?"


"So is that where you've been going to hang out during the day?"

"Yeah..." She said with a small nod. "They let me train with them and stay there with Jeno."

"Please tell me that you're not leaving us to join them."

"No of course not! I would never." She exclaimed quickly.

"Then what are you going to do with the two of you in separate gangs?"

"I don't know. I'll figure that out when it's time to but please Kun, know that you guys are forever my family and you're always going to be my family. But I love Jeno, and he will be a part of my life. His whole gang will." She pleaded with him, lightly grasping his hands with wide eyes.

"You know I love you, Hyewon, and I want nothing more than for you to be happy." Kun replied with a sigh, a small smile on his face. "Does he make you happy?"

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