Dear Diary,
Today I was cooking lunch with mama and a couple of the other girls. Suddenly Amy and Skylier got out of class early. Amy told me that it was because their teacher’s slave ran away. She said that when her teacher found out what had happened, she ran right out of class and told us that school was out for the rest of the day. Amy said that what happened with her teacher had given her an idea for how she could help us get away. The next thing I remember her and I was yelling at each other about her wanting to help us escape. I left her room upset because for the first time in my life, I didn’t want to leave here. I was talking to Bethany and Colton, some of our friends. Darryl and I were telling them about what Amy was saying and they were all on Amy’s side. I’ve been trying to decide if I want to tell mama and daddy about what Amy and I discussed but they would probably get mad at me for talking with Amy in the first place. If Amy’s parents found out that we even talk then we will be in great trouble. Darryl keeps telling me to talk to mama and daddy about it but I am just not sure because I haven’t talked to them since we got in the fight 3 days ago. I’m going to lay down and decide what to do. Bye.
Your Friend,