Dear Diary,
I am really considering the option of running away and going to stay with daddy’s parents. I remember when we were younger daddy would always show Darryl and I a picture of our grandparents. Daddy had always told us that Grandma and Grandpa made it to Illinois and that’s where they are living now. I have a plan to figure out how to contact them to see if they could somehow meet me somewhere and I know just how to do that. I am going to write them and see if they get it. When and if I get the letter back in it I hope they say they will come meet me. This is a little risky though because I have never met daddy’s parents and if I end up leaving that is the only place I can go and yet I don’t know the personalities of anybody with them. I want to meet them but I am kind of leery about it too. I wish we all could have met but unfortunately it didn’t work that way. I got a letter in the mail earlier. It was from Grandma and Grandpa. They said they would be thrilled to have me stay with them; they would really like to get to know me. I am so happy they feel the same way I do. I just hope they aren’t as anxious and excited as I am. I have to go for now. Goodnight.
Your Friend,