April 15, 1861

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Dear Diary,

            I’m sorry for not writing back. Mr. and Mrs.Amison went through my bed area and have been watching me like a hawk.. Nothing is safe here for me to do anymore. I’m taking the risk to write to you now not knowing if and when they will come and take me because I haven’t been doing what they want me too. Mr. and Mrs.Amison have been acting very weird lately. I heard daddy tell mama that he saw on the paper that Fort Sumter was being fired at and destroyed on April 12th. Mama didn’t know what to do but I had a feeling she was worried about Darryl and I. We haven’t talked but daddy, mama, and I have talked a few times and Darryl isn’t very thrilled about it. No one mentioned anything about me trying to escape and Bethany told me that she wishes she could have run away with me. The only thing keeping me here is Nathan but one I don’t know if he would come back for me and I’m pretty sure a war is starting and if that happens I don’t want to say it but he may not even come back and if he is alive by time the war is over I don’t even know how long it will take for him to come and get me but I don’t know how much longer I can take being here. I wish I knew if he were safe or not so I know if I’m actually holding on to something that I will actually be able to see after all of this is over. My mind is over flowing me with different ideas and ways about what could happen to him and I’m afraid the only way for this to end is to just go to sleep. I guess its goodnight for now. Talk to you soon. Bye.

                                                                                                                        Your Friend,


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