Dear Diary,
My bag is packed and I am ready to leave this horror filled place. I can only bring a numbered of things because I will be traveling by foot. The more items I have to carry and keep track of the more it will slow me down. There is only one thing holding me back from doing this and that is Nathan. I know that he will be happy for me that I finally did what I’ve been wanting to do but also he will have no way of finding me when he comes back for me. I’m sure by time the war is over Mama, Daddy, and Darryl will have known where I have gone and will let Nathan no so he can come for me. I need to stop thinking about the possibilities of this to happen because the more I think about it the more I want to stay and just wait for my prince to come. But what if something happens to him, and then what will I do. I can’t be stuck here my whole life! I’m leaving. Plain and simple. I have to get going now before sunrise but I PROMISE I will write whenever I can through my journey.
Your one true friend,