May 26, 1861

4 0 0

Dear Diary,

            While I was helping cook dinner earlier, Mrs. Rebecca asked me about my family. I didn’t really want to say anything because I remember how mean and hateful I was against my family before I left, but I ended up talking to her and telling her everything because I can tell she really does care about me. I told her how mama was or is pregnant with my little brother or sister, I told her how good of a relationship I had with Darryl but more importantly I actually understand for the first time the what my parents were doing was trying to make me stronger as a person. It was the first time I actually came out and told people about my parents and it made me miss them even more since I started thinking about them. Mrs. Rebecca understood what I was feeling and I was surprised she didn’t say something but it was like she wanted to know about my life. Family: I finally understood what it really meant. Not being in a home and not getting in fights, but having people in your life that cares about you and wants you to be happy. But, talking about it too makes me feel even worse about not telling anyone I was leaving. I really miss my parents and Darryl. I’m going to go for a bit I’m getting tired. Goodnight!

                                                                                                                                     Your Friend,


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