Chapter 16

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Marina's P.O.V

"Hi, you must be Marina!" Smiled an attractive looking woman. She looked like she was in her late fourties, she had blonde hair styled in a bob with a roundish, skinny face, but she had Lana's nose. "Yes I am!" I replied and smiled. I held out my hand for her to shake but she went straight in for a hug. She was nice. "You have a gorgeous accent Marina! Lana told me you were from Wales. Oh, Lana's dad is out on the terris, come I'll introduce you!" She said all excitedly. We walked out onto the terris, I had never been there before. They had an amazing view of the city! New York City had never looked more pretty to me than it did now. Her dad was busy setting up the grill for the barbeque. "Ah hello!" He said enthusiastically, "So you're Marina? Aren't you a beauty!" I had to laugh at him. "Hi. Haha, thank you!" I said nervously and smiled.

Just then the doorbell wrang. "It must be Ellie and Calvin! Be a dear and open for them Elizabeth?" Said Lana's mum. "Mmmm." Replied Lana, "Come with me Marina." She said and pulled me along.

We opened for Ellie and Calvin. Calvin was looking very smart and formal in a black suit with a turquoise shirt, Ellie had on a matching long turquoise dress. Everyone greeted each other and soon we were all sitting out on the terris, sipping Diet Mountain Dews as Lana's parents wouldn't let us drink.

The barbeque was nice. Lana's parents chatted to me about my life in Wales and asked how it was living in Greece for a few years, they hadn't been there before. Calvin and Ellie spoke about how long they had been together, and pretty soon the attention was back on Lana and I. "So Marina, do you have a boyfriend then?" Asked Lana's mum as she sipped on her wine. "Actually, I don't haha." "Oh! And why not?" She asked, intrigued. "I guess I just haven't met anyone I liked that much." I said and looked down.

That was a lie. I had Lana, and I had never loved anyone as much as I loved her. She was perfect. I simply couldn't imagine life without her, but I obviously couldn't tell her parents that. "I'm sure you will meet the right person someday, and they will be worth it." She smiled.

After Calvin and Ellie went home at 1, Lana's parents said they were off to bed. Lana and I went to her room too. She jumped on top of me, forcing me to fall back on the bed.  After a while she got up, "Hey, look what I took!" She said, and she fetched a bottle of vodka.

We sat on the bed and made up our own stupid game with the vodka, the loser had to take a sip. Pretty soon the entire bottle was finished, and Lana had had more than I had! I decided it was time for us to sleep, but Lana point blank refused to. I lay with my hands behind my head, Lana crawled up to me. "Marinaaa..." She said as she traced her fingers across my chest. I sighed. "Yes love?"

"Do you love me?" She pouted. "Yes ofcourse, you know I do!" I replied, kissing her forehead. "Then fuck me." She said softly. I laughed at her. "Not now, love."

She pouted again. "Pleeeeease?" She nuzzled up to me and kissed me. "No, I'm tired. Come, let's get some sleep." I said and cuddled her. "Alright.... I think I'm gonna puke." she said. She got up all of a sudden and ran to the bin. I sighed and got up and ran after her. I held her hair while she got it out of her system. She weakly got up and I had to catch her before she fell down again. I carried her to the bed and she cuddled up to me once again.

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