Chapter 20

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Lana's P.O.V

"So, let me get this straight...You want to just pack up and move to London?" My dad asks as he and my mother interrogate me. We had just finished dinner, I built up the courage to ask them the big question. "Yes." I said nonchalantly. "Marina's dad still lives there, and she wants to move back there for college. I want to go with. I think it will be good for me to experience life in another country." Marina sat next to me and was fiddling with her necklace. My mom stared at my dad. She looks back at me. "Oh honey, I don't know if we can just let you go off to another country. We'll be so far away from you, and I don't know if you'll be able to cope on your own." She said. I started to get angry. "I won't be on my own, I'll have Marina. And you let Chuck go, so why can't I?" "Well, its just that, we're going to miss you terribly." She replies. "But you're hardly home." I answer. My mother makes up another excuse, "Well, we also don't know how much the college there costs." I stare at them. "Mother, you know very well that money isn't an issue."
We sit in silence for two minutes as I just stare at my parents. They give eachother a look of despair. I could see they knew that I wasnt going to give up easily. Marina cleared her throat. "Well um, maybe I should get going and come back another time." She starts getting up, but my dad stops her. "No please stay Marina, we're sorry you have to see us deal with this family matter, but if we're going to even consider letting Elizabeth move, we're going to need to know more details." She sits back down next to me. "So um, is your dad going to be okay with having Elizabeth stay with you?"
Oh shit. We hadn't asked her dad yet. Even though we weren't planning on staying with him, we would need a place to stay until we rent out an apartment. Marina lied through her teeth. "Oh yes, he says he is absoluetly thrilled to have her. I've told him all about Liz and he really is quite anxious to meet her. You see, Liz is the only proper friend I've ever had." I snicker at her posh choice of words. Marina gave me a look, followed by a smile that she was trying to suppress.
"Well..." My dad laughs as he and my mom get up. "Your mother and I will talk about this later and decide, we don't want to rush into this without thinking it through properly. You girls should get off to bed now, Marina you can stay here for the night if you like." "Thanks dad." I reply, and I give him a hug. "Goodnight, girls." My dad says. "Goodnight." We reply together. As soon as my parents were out of site, Marina and I started to jump up and down. "Just think! Maybe we're off to London soon!" Marina said excitedly.

Hi guys :) sorry for the long wait, I hope you like where I'm going with the story! I write my math exam tomorrow, so I'm in a v. procrastinaty mood to study. Anyway, more coming soon! :) - Emme Danielle*

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