Chapter 5

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Marina's P.O.V

I'm pretty sure any straight girl would have been creeped out if she caught a girl she hardly knew staring at her breasts, but I wasn't straight. To be honest, I thought Elizabeth was attractive, and the fact that she had blushed when I caught her staring today ment that she obviously felt the same way about me.

When Liz sent me the text saying that she was in the bath, it was a huge fucking turn on! When she texted later asking if I'd like to join her, I was really surprised, but I jumped at the chance.

My mum didn't have a problem when I told her I was going to stay at Liz's for the night, she was just happy that I had managed to make a friend already. I quickly grabbed a whole bunch of clothes and stuff I'd need, then I got in my car and started driving.

When I finally arrived, I was amazed at how big the place was. I checked the message just to make sure that this was the right address. Yeah, this was the right place. I opened the car door and took out my bags, I then walked to the gate and pressed the button. The gate opened and I walked for a while along the driveway, it seemed to take me forever to get to the front door. This place was huge! I knocked upon eventual arrival at the front door.

The door was opened by Elizabeth. She had nothing on except for a white towel, and was still dripping wet. This time it was my turn to say "woah". Her cheeks were rosy from the bath, and her nose and lips were even more perfect than I had remembered. Her collarbones that were obviously covered up by her hair earlier, were now visible and were most prominent. Her silky hair was also wet, and trailed down to the bottom of her back. Oh God, I was seriously turned on by her almost naked body.

I think she could see how she was turning me on. Liz grinned. "Hey!" she said. I was still pretty speechless, but I managed a "Hi" along with a smile in response. She clutched the towel with her one hand to hold it up so that she could give me a hug. I embraced her softly. It was longer than the average hug, but I didn't mind and she didn't object. She relaxed into it after a little while and rest her head on my shoulder. I held her small perfect body a bit tighter and without thinking, I gave her a kiss on the cheek. She gave a little laugh. Her rosy cheeks turned even more red as she looked down in embarrassment. "What was that for?" she asked. "You look beautiful Liz."

She closed the door and I looked around as I walked in. "Soooooo, where's the bathroom?" I said. She laughed. "Sorry Marina, but I actually just finished bathing! I couldn't stay in any longer!" she showed me her hands and feet, which looked like they'd aged 50 years from soaking for so long. I gave a good chuckle although I was disappointed that we wouldn't be bathing together anymore. I didn't was Liz to know that I was looking forward to seeing her like that though, so I pretended that it didn't bother me. "Ah, no big deal love." I said and smiled. She walked in front of me of me and gave me a tour of the house.

It really was a massive house! Even bigger than what it looked on the outside, which I didn't think would be possible. I didn't see her parents around anywhere, so I asked out of curiosity where they were. "Um, I don't actually know! They're not here though. They probably went to a business meeting somewhere, possibly even in another country." I felt bad for Liz. Being all alone here and not knowing where her parents even were. But she said she didn't mind, and quickly changed the subject. "If you want, you can go take a shower. I'll order us some take outs quick and then I'll go get dressed. What would you like?" she asked. "Yeah I think I will. And um. I don't mind, anything. Pizza, maybe?" I shrugged.

I took my stuff to her room and went to take a shower while she ordered the pizza's. I walked into Liz's room, wearing one of her towels. I had purposely left my clothes there so that I could get dressed in front of her. I wanted to see her reaction when she sees me naked, and I wanted to make her want me.

When I entered the room, she was lying on the bed reading a book. Wearing an oversized shirt that just managed to cover her underwear, she was looking sexy. She looked up when she heard me enter and I went to fetch my clothes on the floor next to the bed. "The pizza's arrived, we can go eat when you're done getting dressed. Then after we could watch a movie if you'd like?" she smiled. "Sounds great!" I replied.

I dropped my towel and started getting dressed. She was staring at me with these big eyes, but I pretended not to notice her. I could see by her shirt that I was turning her on though. I smirked and I looked down so that she couldn't see, pretending to pick some stuff off the floor.

The rest of the evening was amazing. We ate our pizza's and then watched the movie Tangled. Liz said she loved it, and it was one of my favourites too. By about half way though the movie, Liz ended up in my arms. She was fast asleep. "How is someone so beautiful. Even when they're not awake?" I thought. I brushed the hair from her face and gently kissed it. At the end of the movie I carried Liz to the bed. I didn't want to wake her, and she was surprisingly light in any case. After I switched off the tv and lights, I went back to the room to join her. I cuddled up behind her and put my arm over her. She moved and grinded into me as she pushed her pelvic bone further into mine, turning me on badly. I kissed her neck and held her tighter. We didn't need to tell each other how we felt, we had both made it pretty obvious now that we liked each other. And I smiled in the dark. Because I love Elizabeth Grant.


I hope you guys liked this chapter, its probably my fav so far. <3 I promise that I'm going to speed up the story a bit from now on. Until tomorrow! X

- Emme Danielle

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