Chapter Twenty-Nine: Orpheus

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"Solange, I need you to understand that this bond is only going to get stronger. A lot of people will be against our relationship especially with me being the firstborn son. I have responsibilities that have been assigned to me since birth." He paused as he gripped my hands within his. I felt my eyes water, already knowing what would come next. I've heard this speech too many times. I closed my eyes waiting for the metaphorical punch to the gut. "That is why when the time comes, we have to run."

My heartbeat staggered behind my breastbone and it took a second too long to pick up a steady beat. I could hardly believe my ears and had I not been certain that I was truly awake, I would have regarded the man before me as a demon in human form. Yet, looking into his obsidian orbs I knew that it was my Dante staring back at me. Not the one that spoke empty words, continuously giving me the roundabout, but the one that promised me a thousand happy endings with just one look. The only difference being that this time he was physically expressing what he could never put into words.

"You're willing to give it all up, to run away with me?" I pulled my hands away from him, needing both of us to keep a clear head without the risk of being influenced by the mate bond.

"Solange, you're everything I never knew I needed. I'm willing to give up so much more for you. I-" Dante looked away from me but not before I saw the look in his eyes. My mind reeled in confusion as the hope that began to blossom in my chest withered away. Dante was saying all of the right things, but there was something so distant about his demeanor that once again doubt began to invade my senses.

"Dante," I hesitated. I don't know how my observation would be received, especially now that Dante was finally laying everything out in the open. "What's wrong?"

"What do you mean?" The question was a simple one. I didn't understand what he needed clarification on but I decided to elaborate anyways.

"There's something different about you. I don't know. Call it a gut feeling but I can tell that something is wrong." He laughed humorlessly, dragging an empty gaze across my features. I felt the heat of his stare slowly taking me in until his eyes connected with ones filled with doubt and unanswered questions.

"How could something possibly be wrong. I'm risking it all to run away with you, to build a life with you. I need time to tie some loose ends but after that it's just you and me baby." He smirked as he raised his hand to cup my cheek within his palm. "After all isn't that what you wanted, a devoted mate. Well I'm doing what needs to be done so that you can get your happy ending Solange. I don't understand why you're still complaining." I froze. He regarded me with glassy eyes, a frigid bitterness that left my soul mourning in despair. I moved away from his contradicting touch feeling the slowburn of an emotional breakdown creeping up my chest. I refused to be a blubbering mess for this conversation.

"What the hell Dante. What do you mean?"

"I turned off my humanity, the price I had to pay when I put Orpheus to sleep." He replied all too bluntly. I could only stare in disbelief. There was no doubt in my mind that I had died and bought myself a one way ticket to hell. My own personal hell, having Dante within arms reach only to watch him slip away at the very last minute.

"Had I let my emotions run free, the mate bond would have dictated my every move. I can't afford that if I'm trying to keep you a secret long enough to save both of our asses." He paused and I could only stare at the demon that held my fragile heart in a vice grip. "You may hear things, fuck witness things with your own eyes that you will not like, but I'm warning you now Solange I won't apologize. I'll never apologize for making your survival my top priority." I went to move away from him but he held my face within his hands as he pulled me closer, his lips barely touching mine as he spoke. "But you will get your happy ending." He sealed his promise with a kiss, and for the first time my soul could not reach her twin flame. I pulled away from him, lowering my head as I felt a silent tear trace a mournful line along the bridge of my nose.

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