Chapter Twenty-One: Training 101

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I stood with my back against the door, watching him as he sat on the corner of the bed, hunched over sliding his right foot into his signature black combat boots.

The tension in the air was palpable, and it was clear that Dantes good mood had gone to shit before the day had even begun.

He decided to ignore me for the remainder of the morning, slamming the bathroom door shut when I refused to join him unlike last night, that was my first hint.

As if I needed any more confirmation that he was dead set on ignoring me, he hasn't made eye contact nor spoken a word since he came out of the bathroom.

I was torn between approaching him and setting things right or demanding he take me home like a petulant child.

The funny thing was that I didn't even know what right was.

What did right even look like for a man like Dante, surely it couldn't possibly be anything a human had in mind.

"I need to head home," I finally broke the silence reluctantly being the first to give in, like always my non-existent will succumbing to Dante's silent demands.

"So she speaks," He didn't bother to look up at me as he continued to lazily tie the laces of his boots.

"I hadn't realized I stopped," I replied haughtily wishing I could teleport to a different dimension where Dante wasn't such a dick.

He finally graced me with his features as his blacker than midnight eyes looked in my direction, a sinful smirk casting a dark shadow over my souring mood.

He leaned back on his elbows while simultaneously spreading his thick thighs.

His heated eyes filled with lust as he threw me a come hither look that set my pulse to overdrive.

"Come sit on daddy's lap," my lips puckered against my will as my sour mood returned full force when I realized that he was just messing with me.

I should have known that Dantes tantrum wouldn't have just subsided in a split second. He's going to drag it until I finally gave in and admitted defeat.

"You're so annoying, grow up," His lips parted into a wide grin as his eyes gleamed with mischief.

I silently groaned while tugging my hair back knowing that I had single handedly walked right into that one.

"I have something growing for you right here." He bit his lower lip as he palmed the thick bulge in his pants and in that moment I knew I had to run or fall victim to his charms.

I chose the later and surprising us both turned on my heels running out of his room as if my life depended on it.

For all intents and purposes it did, I had my very own personal bloodhound sniffing me out, prepared to devour me in more ways than one.

I knew that I was no match against a full grown vampire but that didn't deter me as one foot landed in front of the other. The soles of my slippers slapped against the marble floors resonating within the wide expanse of the empty corridors.

I was deathly afraid of Dantes family but at this point I'd take their familiar faces over Dante. If I wanted to stay strong I had to stay away or risk losing what little of myself I had preserved over the years.

I couldn't hear much besides the constant thundering of my powerful heart as it worked like crazy to catch up with my racing mind but I knew Dante wasn't far behind.

My body was becoming so synchronized with his that I felt him nearing me with each step he took, the heat of his mere existence calling out to my frozen soul, begging to share what little warmth he has been able to acquire.

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