Chapter Twenty: Early Mornings

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The following morning I awoke in a dark room half my body was laying on Dante and my limbs were tangled in the sheets laying in between his muscular thighs.

His right arm was wrapped around my waist and his left arm laid limply across his eyes. His lips were slightly parted as his breath escaped him in short puffs and I felt myself slowly bob with each exhale he released.

I shut my eyes again as I reflected on last night's events.

Dante's words.

My heart strings tugged as my conflicted emotions raged within my chest causing havoc like usual. I wanted to be mad at Dante, tell him to go fuck himself, and to never contact me again, but I couldn't.

I was hooked on the man like a moth to a flame. I couldn't stay away even if I wanted to. I didn't understand why some higher being would ever decide it was okay to pair me with a different species.

Especially if I wasn't going to be accepted, it was cruel and unusual punishment.

I did nothing wrong.

I wish Dante would have left me alone while he was still ahead, maybe if he had never approached me in that alley then we wouldn't be in this predicament.

I wouldn't be in this predicament.

I was pinning after a guy that I barely knew, someone that on occasions scared me shitless, and someone that could never be mine.

You're mine.

Dantes words from last night pounded against my skull, piercing the silent atmosphere and making me wince.

How could I be his when he could never be mine. He made it abundantly clear last night, only behind closed doors. This was all he could ever give me.

Our forever.

"What are you thinking," His raspy voice broke through my thoughts, making me jump in fright.

I laid my cheek against his chest as I shrugged, too embarrassed to voice my feelings out loud.

This was ridiculous.

This obsession I had with Dante, clearly if he decided he could live without me then I could too. I'd leave and never look back as soon as he dropped me off at home.

"Nothing, I have to meet my mother today," I lied. I was grateful that unlike last night the room was shrouded in complete darkness.

I could barely see the outline of my hands and shadows danced in my line of sight teasing my fickle memory into thinking that ghosts surrounded the room, floating freely amongst themselves.

I attempted to get up, ready to get this show on the road, and leave Dante behind me. I should have known better by now.

He pulled me back to his side leaving no space between us.

Our bodies were pressed so close together that my breast flattened, my peaked nipples poking at his side.

"What's really on your mind? You've been laying there for a few minutes gnawing your lower lip." I frowned wondering how he could possibly know that since his eyes were closed and covered.

"I felt it," He replied my unasked question as if reading my thoughts. I laid silently not sure whether to answer his question honestly or not.

I had no idea how he would react if I voiced my true intentions and I had no desire to get into another argument with him.

"Nothing of importance," I finally decided to respond lightly tracing my fingers over his chest, committing this moment to memory.

I felt his skin beneath mine permeating every layer, his warmth penetrating so deep.

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