Chapter Seventeen: Blood Oath

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I gaped at Dante as he claimed that my nightmare had actually happened.

"No fucking way," I whispered. I refused to believe him.

"Are you saying that I had some weird out of body experience," I questioned as I saw him grab the silver dagger I noticed earlier. He nodded grimly without saying a word as he walked towards me.

"I need to go help my brother control the demons and our coven" He whispered against my lips as he peppered kisses down my jaw. I was completely mortified as he disregarded his parents curious gaze.

Even after everything I heard tonight I couldn't help but grip his leather jacket in my small fists stopping him from leaving the office. I was embarrassed to tell him not to leave me here with them when they were only standing a few feet away.

Despite their curious eyes I could feel their judgement in the air when I first walked in with Dante.

I looked into his obsidian eyes as I begged him to take me with him. He shook his head firmly. No. He mouthed as he glared at me and I felt my shoulders slump in defeat.

There was no way I was leaving this house tonight. His mind was made up and he confirmed my suspicions as I watched him and Carson go with a heavy heart.

"Come join us," I looked away from the door to see the stunning brunette watching me as she twirled the amber liquid inside the glass. I felt my limbs tremble at her offer but nonetheless took a shaky step in her direction.

If I die tonight, I'm haunting Dante for the rest of eternity.

I thought angrily as I attempted to school my features to show them that I was completely at ease. False. I sat down on the adjacent leather seat and tightly clenched my fists in between my thighs to hide my shaking fingers from their view.

Dante's father suddenly got up and I sank deeper into my seat fearing that he was making his way towards me to have a small midnight snack.

I softly breathed a sigh of relief as I saw him walk towards the small bar behind his desk. He raised a silent eyebrow in my direction as he held a bottle of scotch in the air.

I thought about saying no and declining his offer but I was so tempted to snatch the entire bottle. I wanted to down the bottle. To quench the my thirst and with it the nerves that rattled my body since the Selfh Ratees attacked our home. I nodded.

"So Solange, how do you know my son?" The brunette asked and I gaped at her as her words registered. Her son. This woman didn't look a day over twenty-five. Maybe thirty if you pushed it.

"You're son," I repeated for good measure as I gathered my thoughts. Dante hadn't told his parents that I was his mate.

I looked up as his father held out the half filled glass that held the amber liquid. I never drank anything stronger than wine and even then it was always a glass or two.

I regretted my decision to accept the glass as soon as the strong smell of  alcohol smacked me in the face and I had to stop myself from wincing.

"Uh, we're friends from school," She nodded as she took another delicate sip of her scotch.

"I don't think we were properly introduced," She pointed at her husband with her chin and I flashed him a quick glance before lowering my eyes again.

"I'm Isobelle and this is my husband, Jack,"

"It's a pleasure to meet you both," I murmured softly as I found the strength to meet her dazzling emerald eyes. She was a true beauty and I found myself wondering if all supernatural beings were this stunning.

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