Chapter Seven: Unknown

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The following morning I had to drag my ass to school. There was no way I could afford to skip another day, at this rate not even community college would accept my application.

I groaned in defeat as I slid into my black hoodie before making my way downstairs, looking around the living room I saw that mom was either in bed or not home.

I had to thank my lucky stars for that because I could not endure another confrontation with her, not after the bomb she dropped last night.

Fucking pregnant.

I shook my head as I dropped the coffee grounds into the french press with a dash of cinnamon as I waited for the water in the kettle to boil.

What was I going to do? I can't stay here, not if Harry is planning on moving in because let's face it, it's only a matter of time.

I sighed as I rubbed my eyes, no one should be this stressed at eighteen. It should be illegal.

I had to go over my finances and buy a planner. I thought about the money my dad left me in a separate savings account under my name. I never looked at it, or cared to look, thinking it would be strictly allocated to paying off college but desperate times call for desperate measures.

My mother gave me access to the account on my eighteenth birthday stressing that I was not to touch it but wanted me to be able to access it just in case, surprisingly that had worked out in my favor in the long run.

I can't believe she got me a Jeep.

I groaned as the severity of my situation began to sink in. My mother is pregnant by an abusive scumbag that plans on moving in and God knows what he'll do once he's here.

After pouring my coffee into a travel mug I headed out and for the first time didn't head towards the bus stop. I stopped in front of the white Jeep taking in its beauty.

I still can't believe she got me a fucking Jeep.

I'm almost positive she was trying to butter me up even though she claims that she's not.

How weird that hours ago I was worried about how I was going to get around at night after discovering that the monsters in fairy tales actually existed and now I have a car.

Getting into the drivers seat I took a deep breath calming my nerves, do I even remember how to drive? I got my license four months ago and only drove my moms mini van occasionally for small errands.

Well I read somewhere that driving is a muscle memory so there's no way I forgot.

I adjusted my mirrors, clicked my seat belt into place, and turned on the car which smoothly purred to life. The interior of the car was thoroughly cleaned and despite being used smelled oddly new.

The plush seat under me was soft and the leather steering wheel felt like a brick of ice under my stiff fingers.

I sat there for a few minutes waiting for the cold air coming out of the vents to heat up slightly before easily reversing out of the driveway. As I eased onto the street I was thankful that this was such a small town and only a few cars shared the roads with me.

So far, so good.

I looked into my review mirrors occasionally not exactly sure what I was looking for. When I arrived at school I drove directly to the back of the parking lot that held the vacant spots that never filled.

The less attention I drawed to myself the better. My mom outdid herself because I also had a full tank of gas to go along with my new Jeep.

There were a few people scattered outside of the large building when I made my way over, but many were already heading to class before the first bell could ring.

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