Chapter One: Obsessed

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They swarmed through the hallways like hordes of bees busy at work for the queen, endless bodies bumping into each other, some falling, others stumbling but still no one stopped in a haste to reach their next destination.

I stared into my locker as I heard giggles and whispers around me wishing that I had at least one friend whom I could indulge in teenage gossip with but instead red and green textbooks stared back at me with blank faces.

I sighed as I slammed my locker shut, the loud bang losing itself in the endless chatter and shrilling bell that signaled it was lunch time. I didn't feel like sitting in a crowded lunchroom with superficial people who didn't even breath in my direction or acknowledge my presence when I walked into a room.

I moved to this town when I was a sophomore two years ago because my mom wanted to relocate. She wanted to erase the memories my father had left behind, even though it had been years since he passed away, and she found a new partner through an online dating app.

When she first told me we were moving I was devastated, but more than that I was angry. I didn't want to leave my home, my friends, my life. I didn't want to start over and be the new kid, but I had no choice in the matter when my mom packed all of our belongings and shipped them to our new "home".

"Is Harry going to be living with us? I won't go mom! I rather be homeless than to move in with a stranger." I knew I was being a spoiled brat, life was hard on mom after dad died. She worked double shifts as a nurse and still struggled to get all of the bills paid. I guess living in a gated community with only one source of income would do that to you, make life harder.

"Honey you'll love the new house! It is smaller than this one but you'll get used to it. You'll make new friends, get a fresh start. I promise." Mom didn't keep her promise. It's been two years and I still don't see that fresh start she spoke of.

The only thing I've experienced since the move is loneliness, the hole in my chest still aches, and sometimes I wish dad would have taken me with him that night. I'll be quick sweet pea. Dad's voice still rang loud and clear in my head. He also broke his promise. He never came back.

Well I guess he did come back, in a casket.

Most nights I wallow in self pity driving myself to the brink of insanity. My mom is barely home working double shifts at the local hospital and being in a new relationship.

The constant laughter and squeals from my peers make me crave something that I once had long ago. A normal stress free life, without any worries or problems to keep me up at night.

I'll be the first to admit that when I first moved here I distanced myself from everyone. I never joined any clubs, I never went to the cafeteria for lunch, I disregarded all admirers giving them the cold shoulder, I didn't want to be included. I hated it here, I wanted my old life back.

Having my friends from back home call me every night helped me. I didn't need new friends, I didn't need anyone from this atrocious town.

It really hit me a few months into the move one night, while I was laying in my bed waiting for Ashley to call me.

How alone I truly was.

Ashley didn't call that night and Dylan didn't pick up. I tried texting Dom but it was already midnight by the time I realized I wasn't going to get a reply back. The following day they all apologized for not contacting me, turns out they went to a party that Jake threw.

Jake was the quarterback for the varsity team, so it was a no brainer. Call Solange, or go to the hottest party of the year. I forgave them, but I guess that night set the precedent for our new routine.

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