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Next day:

When naira entered the college students were looking at her weirdly and were pointing too . She just put her head down and fastly went to her classroom . When she entered the classroom even the whole class was looking at her . She just ignore it .
She silently went near her desk sat down and start reading a novel.


Here when keerti entered college she first went to canteen and found Rishab sitting there alone . She made her way to his table and sat there .

Keerti: Good morning

Rishab: morning keerti

And they started talking on random topics and was waiting for naira .


Here we can see fab 5 entering the college as usual late . They made their way to canteen .

Kartik who was behind them stopped for a minute and called a random student .

Kartik: Hey you .

Student: ( pointing towards myself in scared tone) me??

Kartik: yes come here .

Student : sir what happened?

Kartik: listen I wanted to know if naira came to college or not?

( When he asked this he saw fab 4 giving him teasing looks . He give him I will see you look)

Student: sir she came to college and she is in her class .

Kartik: okay , go now .

And Kartik made his way to class room . When he was near to her class room his heart beats were high . He just took a deep breath and stood near the door and was scanning the whole class room . That's when he spotted her sitting in the third bench , reading novel . He was just smiled looking at her and staring her only . Other students were passing by him were suprised looking at him smiling .

Fab 4 who came behind him were suprised that their friend love her so much . Naksh and Ashi then suddenly looked at each other . They went slowly behind Kartik and shouted in his ears loudly . Kartik who was staring at her was scared and turned around to beat them .

Kartik: what the hell Ashi . Naksh se to ye expected tha , but you?

Naksh: vo Sab chodo , tu yha kya kar Raha hain?

Kartik: vo mein doll Ko( and he realised what he was about to say)

Naksh: Doll Ko??( With a teasing smile)

Gayu: doll and all haa ( with a teasing look)

Kartik: shut up guys and let's go to canteen .

When ashi and naksh shouted in Kartik ears , here naira was also scared and looked her class door and saw fab 5 . She just smiled looking at her friend ship .
While fab 5 moved towards canteen .


Fab 5 entered the canteen as usual and made their way towards their seat and sat .

naksh: I'm hungry.

Kartik: are you serious? You ate 4 parathas in morning for breakfast and it's not even 2 hours yet .

naksh: mera pet meri marji tu chup baith .

Kartik scanned the whole canteen and suddenly found keerti and Rishab sitting . Siddarth who saw this and ask .

Siddarth: whats going on in your mind .

Kartik: except naira and these two , everyone knows right? So let's tell them .

Siddarth: are you mad if you tell them there are chances that they might tell her .

Kartik: they won't .

And made his way towards their table. keerti and Rishab who saw him standing near their table stood immediately . Kartik gestured them to sit and he to pulled a chair and sat down.

Kartik: you two listen to me carefully. your friend naira Kapoor. I like her. ( Turning towards Rishab) so stay away from her and dare you tell this to her .

They just nodded and quietly went to the classroom .
The whole day was passed .
Then the professor entered the class and was about to start his class but he heard some noise near the door . He was shocked to see fab 5 there .
He knew that Kartik likes someone recently from the medical first year but he know who it was. To keep his job safe he let them enter into the class.
Even the students were also suprised . They are suprised to see Kartik Goenka  to attend classes that too medical for mere girl . But they don't know that mere girl rules his heart .

Fab 5 made their way to last bench and Kartik while moving to his place glanced at naira who at the same time look at him.  Kartik stopped for a second and looked at naira intensely , while whole class was looking at them . Naira turned her head away and Kartik realised what he was doing . And smilingly went at last bench .

keerti and Rishab who saw this mini - eyelock now were pretty sure that naira has also has feelings for Kartik .
Naira on the other hand was confused to see Kartik in her class .

While the lecture is going on everyone were busy in their works and Kartik was busy in admiring her girl . Naira was listening to the lecture .
Naira felt intense gaze on her in whole lecture but she didn't dare to turn back . As the bell rang she ran away even before professor made his way out . Kartik who saw this chuckled a bit and made his way out of class room .

Naira just ran into washroom and make herself calm . When she was calm she went to her class .

keerti: what happened? Why you ran like that?

Naira: woh ...woh I was getting urgent washroom .

keerti: stupid you scare me.

Like this whole day passed and returned to their respective homes .

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