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After seeing the man the manager was scared .

Manager: Aryaman Khurana

( Aryaman Khurana : Chief security officer for Goenka's . He is the most trusted person. Good friend of Kartik.)

Aryaman: yeah its Aryaman Khurana and listen Kartik Goenka is on line . You have no other way but to talk to him.

With that Aryaman give phone to the manager . He like scared kid took the phone .

Manager: Hello

Kartik: How dare you scare my doll ha? ( He shouted)

Aryaman: Kartik , this guy doesn't know who is your doll ( and he chuckled)

Kartik: Shut up Aryaman . And you my doll is naira Kapoor. Dare you even scold her. Scold kya , you are not even allowed to talk to her in high pitch voice . Understood?

He like scared kitten nodded.

Kartik: Answer me you dammit. Yes or No .

Manager : Yes.

Kartik: Good ! And agar meri naira ka ek aansu bhi nikala na teri wajah se I will dig your grave . Get that.

Manager: yes yes!! ( Like scared kid)

And then Kartik cut the call. Aryaman also gave last warning to  manager and left that place .

Next day :

Naira came to the college and directly went to canteen . There she found keerti and Rishab . She walk to them .

Naira : hey guys good morning!!

keerti: Good morning Nairu🤗 ( and she hugs her)

Rishab: Very good morning naira!!

They were talking about something randomly . Just then Fab 5 enters and go to canteen .

naksh: Guys I am hungry .

Kartik: oh god you and your food .

naksh: you know na bro how much I love food .

Kartik: ya ya I know .

Kartik just then see naira near his table  . And was admiring her . Fab 4 see this and they try to tease him .

shubam: Isn't she looking cute Kartik?

Kartik: Ya tooo cute! ( Answered while admiring her)

Ashi: Accha tell me how much cute she is looking?

Kartik: Very very very cute !!

Yash: Accha only cute not beautiful???

Kartik: huh? ( With that he realised that they are teasing him and gave them angry look)

And seeing him fab 4 laughed .

gayu: vesse Kartik you didn't tell that?

Kartik: what?

gayu: are that she only cute not beautiful?

Kartik: oh god stop  guys. ( He blushed)

Ashi: oh my god!! The Kartik Goenka is blushing.

Kartik felt shy so he went to order something and they all four laughed out .

Here at naira's table

Naira: guys I am hungry .

keerti: naira you can order . We both have done  breakfast from home today .

Naira: okay!! ( With that she went to order something )

There was a huge line in canteen . She was standing there from more that 15 minutes to get her order but still there was so huge line infront of her . She was tired .
Kartik saw this . And he went near the  shop and said shop keeper to call Ms. Naira Kapoor name first . He did as Kartik said.

Shopkeeper: Ms. Naira Kapoor

After listening her name naira came to the shopkeeper.

Naira: yes uncle .

Shop keeper : Here your order beta!

After listening this she smiled widely . When she smiled immediately there was a smile on Kartik's face too .

Naira: Thank you uncle .

With that she go to her place . And Kartik also went to his place .

They all were having their food . But naira was eating less and talking much  . Kartik was admiring her , her smile , everything. Suddenly naira coughed while eating . Kartik saw tears in his eyes . He got panicked . And he went near her and rub her back .  Whole canteen were seeing them .  Kartik took the glass of water and make her to drink with his hands  . After drinking water she was normal and that relaxed Kartik .

Kartik: Are you fine naira? Do you want to drink more water? Are you feeling good now? Or we should go to doctor?

Naira: Relax sir I am fine . Don't worry .

Kartik: Hey don't call me sir , call me by my name .

Naira: But why? My Friends and my classmates called you sir only .

Kartik don't know what to reply . He ignored .

Kartik : listen naira , while having food don't talk too much . It's not good for health . Okay .

Naira: Ya and thank you for help.

Kartik: it's okay naira and ya don't call me sir because..

Naira: because?

Kartik: because you are special to me !! Bye .

Kartik went leaving shocked naira behind . Yash and keerti  were teasing her same goes to Kartik , fab 4 was teasing him like hell .

Screen froze at Kartik and naira's blushed face .

So hi guys !!
How it was??

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