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Kartik was taking rest. And his parents and friends were outside the room waiting for him to wake up.

Outside the room:

Ashi: Aunty, uncle I think you should go to Home and take some rest. We are here for kartik.

Gayu: Yes she is right! When he will come in his sense we will bring him home.

They nodded and went from there.

Ashi: Waise yr where is Naira?

Gayu: yes! What so important that she left without meeting kartik. He needs her in this situation.

Siddarth: guys i want to tell u something about Naira.

They nodded.

He told them the incident about what Naira said.
All were shocked.

Naksh: What? But why?

Ashi: Yes all was good between them than what happened suddenly she said like this.

Sid: I too don't know guys. I asked her but she left without answering.

Gayu: Should we tell kartik about this?

Naksh: No, he is not in the situation. If we will tell him than he will argue to take him to Naira. It's not good for his health now.

Ashi: Ya you're right. We should not tell him.

Gayu: But what if she is in any problem? Aur baad mein when kartik gets to know about it, he will get angry!! What about it then?

Sid: Yes what about it? I think we should tell him. " Uska haq hain" to know about Naira.

Naksh: okay then we will tell him once he wake up.

After some time kartik woke up and naksh went for discharge papers.

Kartik: Guys where is my phone?

Gayu( handing phone to him): Here.

He grab his phone and called Naira but she didn't picked his call. He tried it once again. But she didn't responded. He was worried.

Kartik: Why Naira is not picking up my call?

They all exchanged their looks.

Ashi: Kartik! Listen to me carefully. It's about Naira.

Kartik: What? Is she fine?(concern)

Sid: Relax bro! She is fine.

Kartik: then what happened.

Gayu told him everything.

Kartik: What the hell guys. You are telling to me now. Like seriously! ( Shouted)

Naksh(entering the room): We didn't told u Because u were not well.

Kartik(shouted): Nothing is more important than Naira here. What if she is in any problem? What if something happens to her?

Ashi: Relax kartik.

Kartik: What Relax haa..

Gayu hugged him and said

Gayu: Relax bhai! Sab thik ho jayega . I will talk to Naira.

Kartik( slow voice): Par gayu why she said like this that ' it's over between me and her '

Ashi: We will talk to her tomorrow . Don't stress urself pls kartik.

Kartik: Tomorrow? Why not today?

Sid: We tried to call her man but she is not picking up the call and we don't know her address too where she leave!

Naksh: yes, today u Should take rest.

Kartik: But

Ashi: Shutup kartik no ifs and buts! Come on We will leave to Home.

They all headed towards home. After some time they reached.

Swarna did Aarti of kartik and welcomed him inside. She feed him some khichdi . But she look that kartik is tensed about something.

Swarna: What happened beta?

He looked towards her and started crying. All were shocked to see him in this situation. Fab 4 was shocked to see him crying first time.

Manish: What happened kartik?

But he was not speaking. he was continuously crying in swarna's lap.

Naksh tell them everything about the matter.

Manish: Kartik beta! We will talk to her. You are strong na, don't cry.

Swarna: Yes, What if Naira see u like this? Stop crying!

After sometime he calmed down and went to his room for rest.

Kartik while sleeping on bed tried to call Naira but she is not picking up his call.

Kartik( thinking): Why Naira? Aisa kya hua that u want to over everything between us. No don't do this. Pls. I can't stay away from you.

At Naira's house:

Naira (thinking): I'm sorry kartik . I am so sorry. I have to do this. I have to stay away from you.

Hi guys!
How are you?
How is it?
Few words for Naira?
Few words for kartik?
Few words for fab 5?
Thank you.

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