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After confession of Kartik , Naira went to her classroom and start reading a novel .

Kartik went back to his friends with a smiling and blushing face .

Naksh: oh my god!!

Kartik: What happened? Why are you shouting?

Naksh: gayu pls pinch me !! I want to make sure that I am day dreaming or it's really a truth .

Ashi: Are par why?

Naksh: Do it na gayu!!

With that she pinched him . And he screamed .

Naksh: oucchhh!!!!!! I am not dreaming guys!! The Kartik Goenka is blushing.

Naksh: Stop it yash , you and your drama.

Yash: Fine but tell why are you blushing ? Because of naira right? ( With teasing look)

Kartik rolled his eyes on him . And he told him that it was misunderstanding  about naira's Bf and he also that she is giving him a chance . His friends were happy to listen this and they share a group hug .

Ashi: Don't you think guys? We don't have some fun in this year . We didn't trouble our new juniors right??

gayu: You are right Ashi!! How can we forget it!!

Yash : so let's have some fun with our juniors . What say guys?

Siddarth: I'm in .

Ashi: Me too!

gayu: Me three!!

Yash: What about you Kartik?

Kartik: Umm.. naira is also our junior . So don't trouble her .

Siddarth: really Kartik !! Abhi se you are taking her side.

gayu: Ya and that's not fair . We are fab 5 man! Let's have some fun . We are not leaving your naira okay!

Ashi: ya so you are coming or not . We are going .

Kartik: No No I am also in but what you will do?

With that naksh and ashi look each other and smirked .

Ashi: Wait and watch best frnd.

With that they take a way to naira's classroom.

Hi guys!!
So how it was?
So are you all excited to see happens next??

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