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Kartik after college came to his home and directly hugged her mom.

Swarna: What happened dear?

Kartik: Ma you know what, I am so happy today.

Swarna: Oh! I know.  I can see happiness on your face . But why so happy today?

Kartik: Maa, my doll give me a chance .  I mean we are together.

Swarna: Oh my god Kartik!! Really . I am so happy for you . But how all these happened?

He told her the whole story about how he confess her feelings to naira because of that misunderstanding.

Swarna: Aww, so cute!!😍

Kartik: Ma, you know mujhe ek Baar to Laga Mene usse kho diya. Pta hain maa jab she said that Kunal is her BF. I was so hurt . Aisa lag raha tha ki koi apna mujhse dur Jaa Raha hain! But when I got to know that was a misunderstanding . In excitement I hugged naira.  And you know I felt peace in her arms. 
And when she said she will give me a chance , jab toh Mene excitement mein.......(He started blushing)

Swarna: What happened ? Ruk kyu Gaya?

Kartik: Kuch nahi maa . Leave it .(while blushing)

Swarna:Aww my baby is blushing . You are so much in love with her .

Kartik: Ya I know .

Swarna: Kartik , tomorrow when you are returning back from college na then ask her to join her in dinner at our home with fab 4 and her friends too. We will have dinner together.

Kartik: okay maa , I will ask her and if she is comfortable than I will ask to join and to meet you and dad .

Swarna: Accha chalo now you go and freshen up . I will send some snacks for you in your room.

Kartik: Okk.


Naira was getting ready to go on her job . She was scared that the manager can fire her today . She reached the shop and entered .

Naira: Good evening sir.

Manager: Good evening Naira.(politely)

She was shocked as well as suprised that the person who shouted at her yesterday is treating today her politely. She shooked all the thoughts and focus her work.
After sometime she was back to her home on bed thinking about Kartik . And suddenly her phone rang with unknown number . She thought '' Unknown number se call vo bhi itni raat Ko "  she picked it up .

Naira: Hello ! Who is this?

Person: Naira , its me Kartik.

Naira: Oh , Hi Kartik . Itni raat Ko call kiya . Is everything okay?

Kartik: Ya ya I'm fine . Tum so Rahi thi kya?

Naira: No no! Tum Abhi tak soye kyu nahi?

Kartik: I am not feeling sleepy. Wese why don't you sleep yet?

Naira: I was going to sleep. Suddenly your call came.

Kartik: Accha

Naira: Waise mera number ? I mean how u get it?

Kartik: I have my on ways.

Naira: accha

Kartik: Naira!

Naira: hmm

Kartik: Naira!!!!!!!

Naira: Ha Kartik!

Kartik: Naira I love you .

Naira: Hmm I know it Kartik ( blushing)

Kartik: Naira once again take my name.

Naira: Huh! But why?

Kartik: Arey take na!

Naira: Kartik!

Kartik: once again .

Naira: Kartik!!!

Kartik: you know naira , my name sounds perfect when you say my name .

Naira: Accha ( blushed)

Kartik: Don't blush naira.

Naira: I'm not blushing.

Kartik: I know you are blushing.

Naira: What ever, leave that and tell me why you called me at this time?

Kartik: Vo I was missing you .

Naira: seriously Kartik!!

Kartik: Hmm..
Accha naira , tomorrow after college will you come with me to my home? With fab 5 and your friends too?

Naira: Why?

Kartik: Vo mom and dad want to meet you . So they are calling you at dinner . Will you come ? I mean are you comfortable with it?

Naira: You told about me to your parents! Isn't it to early?

Kartik: (chuckled)  ya, you know I am very serious about you . You are first girl I like and love after my mom. You are very special to me .

Naira: Accha  okay ! After college I will be there .

Kartik: Are you sure?

Naira: ya

Kartik: Okay! What about your friends?

Naira: I will ask them tomorrow and then I will update you .

Kartik: Ok! And naira from tomorrow onwards you are your friends will join fab 5 in canteen . It will be fun.


Kartik: Tum questions bahut puchti  ho !!

Naira: okay okay I and my friends will join you .

Kartik: Hmm good . Accha now you sleep . You will be tired na.

Naira: Ya bye and good night Kartik.

Kartik: Good night sweet heart ( she blushed) take care and I love you .

Naira: Take care .

Kartik: I love you ka reply?

Naira: Kartik vo (  She was speaking further but Kartik cut her and said)

Kartik: I know you not feel about me right now . But I also know that you will love me one day .

Naira: How are you so sure?

Kartik: I believe on my love. (She blushed) accha now good night.

Naira: Good night .

Kartik: and ya my dreams!

Naira: Kartik!!!!!

Kartik: ok ok bye ! And I love you .

With that he disconnect call .
Screen froze at their smiling faces .

Hi guys?
How is it?
Few words for swarna?
Few words for manager?
Few words for naira?
Few words for Kartik?
Thank you .

Kaira ff🥰Where stories live. Discover now