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With that fab 3 reached at Naira's classroom. They all were busy in their own world.  Some were chit-chatting , some were playing and some were reading like our beloved Naira . Kartik's full attention was on naira .

Siddarth: Hey guys!!

All look at them. They were scared like hell . They were thinking what are they doing here? Naira was also confused that was noticed by Kartik. So to clear up her confusion . He said .

Kartik: Hey guys!! You all  thinking why are we here? Right?

Students: Yes sir.

Kartik: Umm , you guys all know we are fab 5 and we want fun. ( He said with smirk)

All students were afraid with his smirk . They knew something bad coming up .

Gayu: So you all are our juniors . So we are giving you a chance to impress us . But naksh and Ashi are on their way . Let them come. Then we will start . They are bringing some products for you guys. ( With smirk) So wait for 2 minutes.

Naira understood that what they are upto. Naira eyes went on Kartik who was already looking at her . There was a eye lock between them. But it was soon broken by Ashi and naksh voice.

Naksh: Hello guys!!

Ashi: So all you are ready? They have told you right why are we here?

Students: Yes mam

Naksh: Good . So here are some chits in the bowl . In this chits there are tasks that you have to perform .

Ashi: But but we mercy on you guys . Only 7 students are going to do task and impressed us . And if you don't do that task than you will see the worst side of Fab 5 . (With smirk)

Naksh: And the 7 students who will perform will be choosen by Fab 5 . Get that?

Students: Yes sir .

Kartik was hell scared . What will Naira think about him . Because fab 5 tasks are too dangerous.

Siddarth: okay!! Let's start the game guys .

gayu: Are are wait , itni bhi kya jaldhi hain? First let us sit . It will be more fun right.( Winked at fab 4 and it was also noticed by naira)

They all understood what was she saying . But naira was confused that why she winked .

With that Ashi went to last seat followed by gayu . naksh went to keerti table made all of them shocked even fab 4 too. They thought to ask him later . keerti was like ' ye kaha phas gayi mein ' 😂🤣

Siddarth sat a first table near a boy .

And our beloved Kartik went to his beloved Naira and sit beside her . Now she understood that why gayu winked .
Some girls were jealous of Naira because Kartik's whole attention was on Naira from 1st day . He never look any other girl except naira .

Siddarth: So now let's start the fun . What say Kartik?

Kartik: Yes let's do it.

Siddarth: So who will our first target? Umm.. gayu you choose who will be our first target!

gayu: Okay. ( With smirk) ( She look here and there and then she said) you that boy ( fingering at boy) second row , fifth bench .

With that boy get up with frightened face .

Kartik: So what is your name buddy?

Student: Ayaan sir ( stammered)

Yash: Oh nice name Ayaan . Chalo go and pick the chit from the bowl .

With that he went towards the teacher table where bowl was kept and picked a chit . After opening it he close his eyes in fear.

Siddarth: What is there in a chit Aayan?

But he did not responded and look down. Sid went to him and snatched the chit and read it.

Siddarth: Break an egg on your head ( With smirk)

Ashi: See at him ( She laughed and fab 4 to joined her) So Aayan picked it up from that polythene and do the task . We are waiting and yes you have one minute.

With that he went and took egg . After good 15 secs , he broke the egg on his head.
After 2 secs all started laughing at him as he was looking so funny.
After seeing him naira went back to her old memories when she used to rag students and have fun with her friends . A lone tear escaped from her eye that was noticed by Kartik .

Kartik: What happened? are you alright?

Naira: ya ya I am fine.

Kartik: Sure?

Naira: Ya!

Kartik: Okay.

Kartik thought I will talk to naira after  wards when she will comfortable with me .

Hey guys!
So how it is?
The fun will continue in next part.
Thank you.

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