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As soon as naira reached her home after college, she freshen up and change clothes and made her way to her workplace. She works in a store as sales girl .
She was casually doing her job while listening to the music playing to the store . But when she saw Ashi there , she didn't know but hid herself . Ashi was coming in the direction where she was hiding and naira was moving backwards unknowingly . And while moving backwards she hit her manager who was very strict . When she turned around , she knew it was her last day and she should searching a new job .

While here Ashi was suprised to see naira here . She immediately text Kartik about her whereabouts and saw the situation where the manager was giving her angry looks . She move towards them to overhear the conversation .

Manager: what were you doing here naira?

Naira: sir I ..I just was keeping the new stock in its place .

Manager: how can I know , by moving backwards and spying (shouted)

Naira: sir I am sorry . ( With tears in his eyes)

Manager: shut up and go back to your work .

Naira quietly moved away silently . While moving out she saw Ashi and then realised that Ashi watched what happened with her and she glanced at her . Ashi who saw her could see tears in naira eyes .  She got so much angry on that manager that she could just murder him .
Naira ran away to the changing room and calm herself .

Naira pov:

Listen naira nothing happened right? Then why you are crying .  ( She wiped her tears) but why I feel bad when ashi saw me in that situation ? God !!! Leave all that . You know na naira you are strong.  And this situation is just a hurdle in your life . Nothing else . Be calm and let's go out .

And she moved out to changing room making herself calm down and saw Ashi has not here that means she has gone .
It was time for the store to get close . Naira to made her way to her house .
When he made her way out of store just then a man enters  the store and made her way to manager room .
Manager who saw the figure and said

Manager: store is closed, come tomorrow.

Man: when you will see me , you will tell me to go .

Manager who listened this was hell angry and turned around to man , but he was shocked and dumbfounded!!

Hello guys!!
So how is this man??
Tell me in comments!!

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