Chapter 2

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As they all got out of the PAW Patroller, they were shocked to see what they had run over. Rocky was the first one to speak.

"Oh my God, it's a fucking spike strip." He said as he approached the spike strip that was laid across the road.

"Who could've put it here?" Marshall asked curiously.

"I don't know, but do you know what this means?"


"...Somebody wants us dead." Rocky said.

"Like who?" Skye asked.

"Someone like Mayor Humdinger?" Marshall asked.

"Sweetie?" Zuma added.

"Sid Swashbuckle?" Rubble added.

"Maybe even that damn squirrel." Rocky said, pointing to a tree with a squirrel in it.

"Pups, stop it. Chase, inspect the spike strip and Rocky, help me inspect the tires on the PAW Patroller. The rest of you, get back into the PAW Patroller unless we need you." Ryder ordered.

"Yes, sir, Ryder." Chase replied.

"I'm on it." Rocky replied.

Chase inspected the spike strip laid across the road. It looked like it was placed down for certain reasons. One of the reasons were that vehicles who entered the town would be stopped permanently by the spike strip. It also looks like the spike strip was placed down on purpose. Whoever put it down wanted to cause trouble. While Chase scrutinized that, Rocky was helping Ryder. Rocky then got curious.

"Ryder, where are we at the moment?" Rocky asked, as he observed the location they were in.

"According to my map, we're in Hayesville, Nevada." Ryder replied as he looked at the sunny, blue sky.

"Hayesville..." The word sounded familiar as if he heard the word before.  One month before this trip, Rocky read online about people going missing in this town the day after arriving.

'I feel like we've been tricked  into coming here.' Rocky thought. Chase then called out to Ryder.

"Ryder, you might want to check this out." Chase said. Ryder and Rocky came over to where Chase was.

"What is it, Chase?" Ryder asked.

"Look at this spike strip." He replied. Ryder surveyed the spike strip in front of him and found nothing.

"What about it?"

"The spike strip is put to where vehicles can enter the town."


"It seems that this was no random act. This was on purpose as much as I can say."


"Yes. If we don't have any spare wheels, we're screwed."

"I told you that squirrel is behind this." Rocky said, glaring at the squirrel that now went into the tree.

"And what makes you think that?" Chase asked, giving him a look.

"Well who else do you think did it?" Rocky asked.

"An adult." He replied bluntly.


"Yeah really."

"Well it could also be you that did it." Chase just laughed. This irritated Rocky.

"Quit laughing! Someone we know must've done it! It could be you! It could be me! It could even be Skye!" This made Chase laugh even harder. Rocky was about to yell some more but Ryder stopped him. Just then, a tow truck came into sight. The driver spotted Ryder, Chase, and Rocky. The two truck then came to a stop. Ryder then stepped up the the driver's side door and the driver rolled it's window down. The driver had a cowboy hat on and a cigar hanging out his mouth. The man stared at them for a few seconds before speaking up.

"Looks like you found the sheriff's zigzag. Don't worry, we'll fix you right up. Just jump in and I'll take you to the nearest repair shop." He told them. Ryder and the two pups were nervous but still managed to obey. Ryder then called the other pups to come out of the PAW Patroller. The driver wasn't expecting four other pups to come out.

"Oh Lord..." He mumbled. Marshall then spoke up.

"Ryder, are we riding in that?" Marshall asked, pointing to the tow truck.

"I'm afraid so, Marshall. Come on pups." Ryder told them, not knowing what they were about to get into as they entered the tow truck.


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