Chapter 9

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The pups continued their work as the night went on. Ryder on the other hand, was finishing up putting the rest of what was left of Gus the Gorilla in a trash bag. Once Gus was put away, Ryder put him by the door where Ozzy's corpse was. He was hoping that nothing else bizarre would happen later that night. Once they were on break, the pups decided to hang out in the main room where the main stage was. Zuma then struck up a conversation.

"You guys feel like leaving this hellhole?" The Chocolate Labrador asked casually.

"Uh, yeah!" The other pups replied in unison.

"Well let's go. What awe we waiting fow?" The Chocolate Labrador asked as he stood up on all four. Chase then stopped him.

"We can't. That Tex guy locked us in here." Chase told him, gesturing his head towards the door. Zuma had an anxious expression on his face and denied Chase's words.

"Dude, it's not locked." He said with a smug look on his face, trying not to believe that Chase was right. He was secretly hoping that Chase was wrong and was hoping to get out as fast as possible.

"It IS locked." Chase argued with him.



"And how do you know it's locked?" He asked with the same smug look as before.

"Because I tried opening it after we took down that damn ostrich." The German Shepherd told him, reminding him what happened earlier with the animatronic ostrich. Zuma still wasn't buying it.

"Look. That door is not locked and I'm going to prove it." He said in a cocky manner.

"Oh yeah?" The German Shepherd asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. In the next seven seconds, we'll be out of here and we won't look back." He added. Chase just smirked back at him.

"Okay," He said quickly, wanting to see how far the Chocolate Lab would go. "Go see if the door is locked." He said, gesturing his head towards the door again. The other pups were curious if Zuma was right about the door being unlocked.

"Okay. I will." He said confidently as he made his way towards the front door and tried to push it open, which didn't open.

 Zuma realized this and pushed it again. Same thing happened again and it wouldn't budge. Zuma's confidence disappeared instantly.

'You'we kidding me.' Zuma thought to himself as he gave it another push. 

Zuma was getting anxious by the time he realized that the door wasn't opening like he said it would. He took his paw off the door and looked at the floor as he felt his face beginning to turn pale. Chase and the other pups saw this and decided to tease him.

"Uh, Zuma, it's been seven seconds, why aren't the doors open?" Chase asked with a smirk on his face. He knew he was right and he and Zuma both knew it. The Chocolate Lab hesitated to speak.

"T-the door won't b-budge." He stammered. Outside the door was a lock that was placed by Tex earlier that day. Chase smirked and walked up to the Chocolate Lab.

"And what did I tell you?" He asked. Zuma looked at him with confusion.

"But I thought-" Zuma said but was interrupted by Chase.

"Well you thought wrong. This place was meant to be locked up. We just happen to be locked up in it." He told him. Zuma looked at the locked door and then at Chase with a worried look on his face.

"...Are we gonna die here?" He asked in a shaky tone. Chase just chuckled.

"No. Like I said, we're gonna show this weasel who's boss. But nice try." He said in a reassuring manner and smiled confidently. Zuma gave a nervous smile. Just then, they all heard a sound coming from the vent.

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