Chapter 5

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Paranoia. It wasn't something Chase dealt with in his day-to-day life but tonight was different. Ever since he saw Willy staring at him, Skye, and Zuma, he felt uneasy. He felt like that tonight was going to be eventful, and not the way you think. Willy's stare meant something else than the usual 'Say that again and you'll regret it' stare. It was more of the presence of evil staring down upon them. Chase was a tough pup, but after seeing the look on the animatronic weasel's face, he couldn't help but shudder on the inside. At the moment, Chase was relaxing in the main area, watching Ryder put down chairs.

"Why did that man put us on staff? We can barely do anything here." The German Shepherd groaned.

"You can probably help Skye out in the kitchen." Ryder suggested, not turning away from his work.

"Skye needs help?" Chase asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. She can't do the work all by herself."

"Right. I'll go help her." He said, making his way towards the kitchen. Chase could hear water splashing and cups moving. He then found Skye on a stool near the sink, rinsing cups. She spotted him near the freezer and jumped.

"Oh! You scared me." She exclaimed, catching her breath.

"Hey, what are you doing?" He asked her.

"Washing these cups." She answered.

"Can I help?"

"Sure, Chase."

Then the two pups went to work. After the cups were clean, they cleaned the oven and everything else. The gave each other a high-paw once the work was done. Chase then noticed an object covered in a blanket.

"What's that?" He asked, pointing to the thing. Skye then followed his gaze.

"Maybe something secret?" She answered. The two pups approached the object and Chase pulled off the covering violently. The two pups looked at the object, which was covered in dust.

"Are we on break?" Chase asked, turning his attention towards the cockapoo.

"Think so. Give me a boost." She said before jumping on Chase's back and blowing lightly on the dust.

"What is it?"

"...A pinball machine." Skye examined the machine and saw the same logo of Willy the Weasel staring at her.

"A pinball machine?"

"Yeah. Wonder why they didn't use it." She muttered. She looked over it again until they heard a scream from the main area. Chase and Skye looked at each other and ran out of the kitchen and into the main area to see what was going on. The two pups came to a halt to see Ozzy the Ostrich off the stage in his normal position and in the middle of the room facing and looking down on Rocky. Rocky's face was pale and slowly backed away from the animatronic ostrich. Soon the other pups came in and stopped in their tracks to see what was going on.

"Rocky, what did you do?" Chase asked, trying to stay calm. Rocky was too scared to speak but managed to get some words out.

"I-I was minding my own business and I heard something b-behind me, so I t-turned around and there he w-was." He stuttered while maintaining eye contact with the animatronic ostrich. Chase then turned his gaze at the stage and then back at Ozzy, His heart raced at the sight of the animatronic mascot. He knew something would happen tonight, and it had to start with one of the animatronics.

"Looks like Willy's not being friendly to his guests." Zuma joked from the other side of the room.

"Oh, you think?! Willy has never been friendly!" Chase said.

"And what makes you think that?"

"The way he looked at us earlier for one!"

"Oh, I thought that look meant that he was messing around."

"You idiot!"

"Uh guys, a little help here?" Rocky asked with his back up against the front door while wearing a frightened look on his face. Ozzy just walked closer Rocky, which made Rocky panic.

"Oh, he's walking! Guys, he's walking!" He shouted in fear.

"ROCKY! Rocky, calm down! Just stay close to the wall and follow my voice." He told the mixed breed. Rocky did so and sidestepped away from the animatronic ostrich while keeping his eyes on it.

"This way, Rocky." Chase called to him in a calm tone. As Rocky made his way to Chase, Ozzy kept his line of sight directly at the door. Rocky only hoped he would stay that way.

"Almost there, Rocky." Rocky was pleased to hear this. What he wasn't pleased to hear was the movement of the animatronic ostrich in front of him turning it's whole body towards him. Rocky then stopped in his tracks and stared at the animatronic ostrich. The ostrich shook it's head and said something that made Rocky's heart stop.

"I'm gonna feast on your face!" 

When a Celebration Becomes a Plight - Willy's Wonderland & Paw Patrol CrossoverWhere stories live. Discover now