Chapter 11

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"Okay then. Would you might know why there is a dwawing of ouw fwiend in the Supew Happy Fun Woom?" Zuma questioned.

Liv and her friends went silent after hearing that question.

"Uh, guys?" Zuma asked again. Liv and her friends glanced at each other.

"You might want to hide your friend from Willy." Liv said cautiously. The pups tilted their heads in confusion.

"What? Why?" Chase asked curiously. Liv curled her lips before answering the German Shepherd's question.

"You see, before the satanic was performed, Jerry had a few crushes. When Jerry wasn't focused on his killing spree, he started to stalk beautiful young women." She explained to them.

"So, Jerry was a-" Chase tried.

"Oh no. He's not that type of creep. I'm talking about girls that were at least twenty-five." Live told him.

"Oh. Proceed then."

"As he continued to stalk these girls, I'd like to believe he somehow found his way into a little town called 'Adventure Bay'."

"That's where we live!" Rocky exclaimed calmly.

"Yeah. Anyways, as he was minding his own business, I'm assuming he got himself into trouble there and needed rescuing. You guys remember that?" She asked the pups. The pups glanced at each other in confusion.

"Uh, which rescue was that?" Chase asked, not remembering the rescue.

"It was the one where you rescued that man from being accused of 'theft' by that awful Mayor Humdinger." Chris told them as he made quotations marked with his fingers.

"Yeah. I remember that day. The man said that Mayor Humdinger was trying to steal his wallet, and Mayor Humdinger defended himself by saying he was only going for a stroll to get out of Foggy Bottom. It took all of us to set things right." Chase explained as he shook his head in annoyance as the rescue was now coming back to him. Rocky was curious to know how Chris was able to know about this rescue.

"Wait, how did you know we rescued someone that day?" He asked suspiciously.

"It was in the newspaper the day after. I saw my dad reading it one time. I sometimes wonder if Humdinger did actually steal Jerry's wallet." The young man said, looking at the ground and pondering if Humdinger was at fault or not. Rocky was getting impatient.

"But that still doesn't answer the question; why is there a drawing of Skye in the Super Happy Fun Room?" he asked impatiently.

"It's what I'm doing, you halfwit!" Liv retorted.

"Well, please shorten it for us." Chase quickly told her. Liv put on a happy expression, which wouldn't stay and continued to explain what happened.

"Okay. Remember that guy you 'saved'?" She asked them as she made quotation marks with her fingers. "That WAS Jerry Robert Willis! He's the same guy that's trapped in that animatronic suit!" She explained to them, raising her voice a bit while pointing her thumb back at where the stage was. Ryder and the pups froze and took a moment to realize what they had done.

"...You've got to be kidding me." Ryder spoke as he started to feel his body shiver.

"Like I said before; I wish I was kidding, but I'm not. You guys saved a legit serial killer." She told them with a firm look on her face.

"And to answer your question, ever since Jerry took one look at your friend, he's been stalking her for God knows how long. And just for some advice; if you are Jerry's crush, I recommend you not to talk to him, as he can become active throughout the night if he realizes that his crush is in the building." She explained to them. Ryder and the pups were horrified that they actually have rescued a serial killer in the past. They were more horrified that the serial killer was actually crushing on one of them. Skye, obviously being Jerry's crush, knew deep down that she knew that they were possibly going to die because of her. Chase noticed Skye's behavior and asked her.

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