Chapter 14

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Zayn's Pov : l patted Fey on the back , as she cried over my shoulder. Her cheeks were a bright red. Perrie was beside me taking her temperature. She kissed her head , " I'm sorry baby ". " I'm going to call my mum " She frowned and stroked Fey's back. I sat down in the rocking chair , I rocked her back and forth. I put my hand over her forehead , i frowned at how warm it was. She had a high fever for the last couple of days. I listened to Perrie talk on the phone. The panic in her voice made my stomach ache. " The doctor just gave her medicine I hadn't been working " , Perrie said into the phone. I looked down at Fey her face was stained with tears. My heart broke seeing her like this, I wanted to know what's wrong. Perrie walked into the nursery , " my mum said we should take her to the hospital ". I lump formed in my throat " maybe we should wait tell morning ". " Zayn as much as I want to I think we should go now " I nodded my head in agreement. Perrie ran to get changed. I put Fey in her crib , " it's okay your going to get better baby girl ". I carried her down stairs , Perrie was running around with a bottle in her hand. I was putting Fey in her seat in the car. I kissed her cheeks , a little smile appeared on her face. I sat down in the car , I held Perrie's hand " hey it's going to be okay ". She toke a deep breathe " I'm worried what if she's not okay Zayn I can't lose her ". There was a long silence , tears streamed down Perrie's face. I kissed her hand " Pez don't cry okay don't think about that ". " well we're taking her to the hospital I can't help but think About that " , " Pez stay calm stressing out won't help anything ". She nodded her head " okay " she whispered.

We arrived at the hospital it was 2:00 am. The only ward open was emergency , it was packed full of people. we walked over to the counter , " hi " the lady behind the counter smiled at us. " Our daughter has had a high fever for the past few days , and we've gone to the doctor they given us medicine it's been getting worse " panic filled my voice. " what's her temperature " the lady asked " Perrie then jumped in and told her everything. She put a wrist band on Fey's wrist. " since she's a baby we have a different doctor to look after her, at this time it may not be a long wait " the lady smiled. We both nodded at sat down. I looked around the room , there was only small children no Baby's. We sat in the room for an hour,before a doctor came in. She lead us into a room with curtains. She introduced herself then talked to Perrie. She toke Feys temperature , then asked us more questions. She checked her heart beat and pulse. She then checked her breathing , Fey has been having a Harder time breathing through out the fever. One doctor had told us it was normal. She stood up " okay I will be right back " she said to us. Perrie squeezed my hand tight , she put her head on my shoulder. I kissed her head , the doctor walked back in. " I'm going to do some breathing tests ". When she told us I got worried. Perrie squeezed my hand tighter. She put a mask over her face , I looked at her frozen. She suddenly looked smaller then before. The only thought was " what if she's not okay ".....

AUTHORS NOTE : So sorry I haven't updating I've working non stop for long hours and I've been trying to get my grades up. So I Wrote this before I go to work. Sorry I'm on break now I can update much more to make up for it. Lots of love

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