Chapter 17

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Liams Pov : the court date has been canceled countless times. I just wanted to get it over with. My lawyer said its unlikely,she would gain full custody. In a way I felt guilty to take Nala away from her mum. I knew Danielle couldn't keep care, of Nala after she left. I stepped out of the car my vision, was blinded by flashing lights. I looked down at the ground and walked towards the doors. My lawyer was talking over how it would happen. Danielle walked down the hall , I saw her from the corner of my eye.I could see the bags under her eyes. She looked back at me , I felt a filmier pain in my chest. I started to re think my decisions. I couldn't take Nala away from her mum. I can't do all the stuff mums do. I talked to my lawyer , he looked at his papers and frowned. " Liam she's trying to take Nala from you , joint custody isn't an option ". My stomach twisted I forgot it was her choice. Ruth walked up to me with Nala in her arms. I kissed her on the cheek " Daddy Is mommy here" ? I nodded " is she coming home " her eyes looked glassy " no sweetie ". Her lip began to quiver , " here lets go see mommy " Ruth walked over to Danielle. " wait I want daddy to come " Nala yelled , i began to shake my head. Then Ruth looked at me and nodded. I held Nalas hand , " mommy " Nala ran towards Her. Danielle picked her up and smiled. She kissed her head multiple times. I looked at the ground , I gave her a weak smile. Danielle put Nala down " mommy I'm mad at you " , Danielle's smile faded. " Nala don't say that " , I told her. " mommy you never came home " , Danielle's eyes were glassy. " I know baby I'm sorry " , Nala played with Danielle necklace. I was stunned by Nalas words. I watched a tear fall down Danielle's face. Nala kissed her goodbye, and walked back to Ruth. " Liam I'm really sorry it's come to this". I felt the lump in my throat ,
" what's happened to us " I asked. She looked at the ground " i-i I guess i don't love you anymore " , her words stung I felt my eyes Getting hot. I bit my lip to hold back tears , I knew that's all I'd ever hear at night. I walked away " Liam wait ", I shook my head and walked down the hall. The pain stung , she didn't love me anymore.....

I had won I got full custody. I watched the pain in Danielle's eyes. I waked over to her , " you can Visit anytime ". She nodded " thank you " , " but I think it will be best if I don't see her anymore ". My heart dropped " what " , " it will be to complicated for her ". I shook my head " so your just going to leave her " ? She nodded " I love her I really do I just can't bare, to look at her after what I did ". " so your solution is to let her grow up without her mum " , I shook my head and walked away. I walked over to Nala, " say bye bye to mommy". She shook her head " no thank you ". " No Nala say goodbye " she crossed her arms. " I'm mad at her " , " mommys going to go away for a long time say goodbye ". She held my hand and walked over to her. Danielle's eyes filled with tears. She picked her up " baby I love you so much , you'll always be my little girl okay ". " I know your mad at me but I hope when your older, you remember how much I loved you. what I'm doing is for you, I love you I'm sorry baby girl".Tears rolled down her face, she hugged her tight and kissed her. She let her down " I love you " she kissed her once more. Nala looked confused " I love you too ". She passed me a parcel , " give this to her when she'll understand, promise me this Liam ". I nodded " promise " , " I'll check in on her I promise ". " when she's older she can come see me , If you let her. I know she may not forgive me,but I really love her ". I walked away unsure of how to say goodbye.

That night was the hardest , but I felt relived to have it over with. I left the parcel beside my bed. I looked over at it , that one parcel is all she has of Danielle. I decided to open it , I saw photos and a note. I looked at the photos they were of her and Danielle. The first was taken the day she was born. Nala was asleep in her arms Danielle was gazing at her. I looked at the photo. Each photo brought back a flood of memory's. I flipped through them I looked at a recent one. Danielle was kissing her cheek , Nala had a huge smile on her face. I toke this photo a week before Danielle left. Nala had grown since then. I Whipped a tear off my face she was really gone. I looked at the note...

Hi Nala if your reading this note your dad gave it to you to explain everything. I don't know what he told you when, you were little but here's the truth. I left you when you were two. So I know you may not have a good memory of me. Maybe you are mad I left you and confused. Leaving you was the hardest choice, I've ever made. It tore me apart for days while deciding this. I love you with all my heart , your my whole world I'll never forget you. Your dad and I didn't agree a lot before you were born. It never got violent just bicker. Once you were born it all stopped for two years we didn't fight. Slowly I lost feelings for your dad I won't get into it. But I don't love him anymore, I couldn't tell him. So we got in a little fight and I left. I hopped on a plane to the first place I saw. I didn't call I didn't say anything for a long time. I regret it so much i wish I ended it better. The only thing I toke was one picture. The picture was of you , I look at it everyday. I carry it in my pocket everywhere I go for luck. I tried to fight for your custody , I knew joint wouldn't ever work out. I had a feeling your dad would win. So I decided It would be best to not see you again its. I knew seeing you on holidays or on weekends, or a couple hours wouldn't work. I had to see you everyday or not at all. If your reading this is I chose not at all. I will let you know I had sleepless nights and many tears. This is the hardest thing I've done. You'll always be my baby girl. You may not know me and I may not know you. I called your dad every birthday , and to check in on you. And if your ready ask your dad for my number I want to see you again. I love you so much I'm so sorry I did this to you but it was all for your happiness. Xoxo mommy

My cheek was wet from tears I didn't understand. It didn't make sense nothing made sense. Nala would grow up without a mom. All she has is me. I needed fresh air , I went down stairs and put on my coat. I walked down the street with my hands in my pockets. The cold air blew against my face. My feet crunched in the snowy sidewalk. We always said we were a team. Even when Danielle left, I had hope she'd come back. That I wouldn't do this alone , I never thought about this I'm doing this alone. I looked up at the sky , white snowflakes slowly fell. I put out my hand it landed on my hand then melted in seconds. Snowflakes reminded me of my marriage , Beautiful then gone in seconds.

Authors note : I'm baccckkkkkk sorry for this long delay i just needed some space to think everything over. I do realize my pervious chapter will not make sense with ZAYN leaving but it was written before. So bare with me while I try to incorporate everything in. Hope your all well lots of love to you all . Also thanks for the support on this book I'm really blown away.

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