Chapter 22 ( finally )

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Feys Pov : my eyes slowly opened , my vision was blurred. I turned over and saw an empty bed. I shot up realizing, this wasn't my bed. I looked around the room, nothing was familiar to me. I started to panic , i wasn't wearing the same clothes. I saw them folded on a chair. The room was dark , bits of lights shinned through. I stood up , ready to run out the door. I quickly sat back down , realizing I had no idea who was outside the door. I tried hard to remember last night. I couldn't piece it together , it was all blurry. I put my head in my hands, " think Fey think." I can remember leaving the party , and walking for a long time. Then I remembered,getting into a car. I don't remember the face , but I felt safe I knew the person. I must have , why would I get into a strangers car ? I searched in the sheets for my phone. It fell on the floor, making a loud thud.  I repetitively hit the power button , it was dead. I fell back onto the bed , "what have you done." I started to feel tears run down my face. I didn't know where I was , who this person was. I was scared, I didn't know what to do. I can't imagine, how worried my parents are. Knowing my mom she, probably sent a search party by now. I looked up at the ceiling , and started to cry even more. I managed to make words out. I talked to the only person I could. " Skyler , I made a huge mistake. I'm so scared , I don't know what to do." If you were here,you'd know what to do."

  " your so pathetic," I said to myself.
" your scared, but you won't do anything about it. How pathetic, your crying," I thought. I sat up I needed to find the door. I looked across the room. I stood up and grabbed my clothes. I twisted the knob , it wasn't locked. I peeked outside , i saw a staircase. I didn't see anyone , I quickly made my way to the stairs. As I walked down , I herd voices they sounded filmier. I stopped to listen , the voices they made me feel safe. I looked around the corner. I saw long brown hair , the person was turned around. She was talking on the phone , she was the only person. I watched her turn around. My whole body filled with relief. I ran over to her , and hugged her. She hugged me back , I found myself crying again. " Sophia I made a huge mistake." She rubbed my back
" I know , we don't need to talk about it right now."
I lifted my head off her chest
" do my parents know I'm safe ? "
She nodded her head
" they are livid , but they know your safe."
I found myself unable to let go of her , which sounds crazy. I hadn't seen her in maybe,four years or more. She didn't let go of me, Intel I let go of her. I whipped my hand, across my face.
" do you know what happened last night ?  I can barley remember anything , I don't even remember how I got here."
She shook her head " I can't tell you much , Liam saw you and Aspen walking -."
" Aspen," I yelled " where is she ?"
" Her dad picked her up."
My eyes widened , I could never picture Niall being mad.
I begged Sophia to continue.
" you two got in his car , he was going to take you both home. Then you both blacked out , after a couple minutes."
I stood silent , " we we blacked out ? "
She nodded " thank god Liam,found you when he did."
I stood in shock, I couldn't make out words. The thought of waking up somewhere else , terrified me.
" Can I call my mum ? " she nodded, then handed me the phone.
A few rings went through , before my mum picked up. Her voice was so soothing to me.
" hi mommy."  I herd a long sigh on the other end.
" Thank god your safe , you had us worried sick. If I wasn't so damn mad at you i would cry."
I felt my eyes heat up " I'm sorry." She cut me off
" we will talk when you get home, I'll come pick you up." She then hung up the phone. I brought the phone back to Sophia , " she's coming to get me." She sat down with me,at the table.

" you know Nala did the same thing , when she was your age. Liam was livid , I'd never seen him so mad at her before. He yelled at her for a solid hour. He's never been ,so mad at her before. She never gave him, reason to be that mad. He had her on full lockdown."

" oh man I can't imagine, how mad my parents will be."

" trust me they will be mad , but what they do is because they love you. Keep that in mind please , just listen to what they have to say. Talking back will only make it worse. Also keep in mind , they are terrified at the idea of what If Liam didn't find you."

mumbled into my shirt " I am to."

  The car ride home,was completely silent. Every time she breathed, I waited for her to yell at me. I was completely terrified,to how my dad would act. He's not one,to get mad that often. We pulled into,the driveway my heart sank. I got out of the car,and let my mom walk ahead of me. She opened the door , the house felt stiff. It didn't feel,like a positive place. My dad was sat at the couch. I quickly tried to walk upstairs, " Fey stop." I bite my lip, and walked over to the couch. I sat down beside my dad. I avoided making eye contact with him. I stared at the floor as he began his yelling. I started to grip my ears. " DAD YOU MADE YOUR POINT STOP PLEASE." I couldn't take this anymore , he was making me feel like crap. He ignored me and continued. My mom had to step in
" STOP BEING SOFT , she needs to know what she did was wrong."
My mom got mad,
" IM HER PARENT TO , DONT TELL ME TO STOP." He paused , " your  sister would be so disappointed."
I sat in shock , "Zayn that's enough" my mom yelled. I clenched my teeth , I didn't know if I wanted to lash out or cry. " your fucking sick ," I yelled. I went upstairs, I could hear my mom getting mad at my dad. I slammed my door shut.

Perries Pov: " I can't believe you'd say that. That was crossing the line way to far."
" well what else would make he feel so terrible she'll learn her lesson." He yelled back.
" lots of things you don't, need to bring skyler into this. She isn't relevant to this subject. She's struggled enough with her, your just bringing up bad memories."
" it's the truth , we both know it's stop acting like it's not true." He yelled as he left the room.

Authors note : don't know if this long enough for ya but here ya goo so for the long long wait

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