Dangerous Games Are Being Played.....

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Star P.O.V

I knew in taking Chance to Italy would be the best thing for him and for myself, his magical was becoming too rapid and to what once I thought was cute was being to worry me. Nik didn't put too much of a fight about us leaving I think he knew my concerns for our son were genuine. Leaving Nik behind was the best thing to do, he had to repair all the damage that we both caused, I know I should of stood by his side while doing do. That would have only made matter a lot worse, as it was I who broke the bonds between the brothers that because of my rage and anger I hurt two people that Elijah cared most for. Though in front of everyone I held bright face that I was thankful that death hadn't taken me away from Niklaus, I harboured secrets from the ones that mattered most to me. I left New Orleans with a sadden heart even thought I spoke with confidence to those who I cared for deeply, I kept something from them all from the moment that I woke from my transition.

"I see why you have growing concerns for your son, with him being the son to the Original hybrid—" Luca began to say but I had to put him straight that the reason why Chance was like this was nothing to do with the fact that Nik was a hybrid.

"It's not that Luca..." I didn't know how I was meant to explain all this, I've kept all of this to myself since the moment I woke up from my transition. "This time round my transition on becoming this was very different." When I ran this conversation in my mind the flow was a lot easier, but it was hard enough for me to accept with everything in my mind how was I meant to say it out loud?

"Different meaning?" Luca looked at me with a little worry in his eyes, he was like a brother to me, taught me much in the years we were together I knew that if anyone could understand the problems I'm facing it would be him.

"I'm over two thousand years old, but I never knew anything of my life in my first thousand years, when I transitioned last time memories came back to me... just little pieces." I began to reflect back on everything that I learnt all the terrors that I never knew about. "This time every memory of my life came flooding back—" Before I could finish what I was saying Luca jumped in.

"Star you're concerning me, what is it that you learnt?" I sat there looking at Luca knowing that I had to reveal my past that I've only just learnt about.

I began to explain to him from a child my magic was out of control very much like Chance's, but it became a lot worse as I got older no matter how those around me tried to control me. This was all down to the trauma I received as a child being ripped away from my grandmother, that my parents were punished for their discretion. I knew from an early age the truth behind my parents that my father was encased in the tomb to suffer while he thought that my mother had died of the hands of Qetsiyah but that was not the case. She had turned my mother into the anchor that held supernatural purgatory, that every death a supernatural being endured she would feel it as they pass through them this was the punishment that she thought my mother deserved after the betrayal. Each and every time I learnt of my past, the elders and Alana would remove all traces of my memories as I would lash out my fury on those around me. On my 16th birthday my powers were near enough to completion so all the magical spells that they tried to cast on my to make me forget about who I was and who my family were failed. Days after my birthday I wreaked havoc like I had never done before, my fury for the actions of the elders and anyone who stood in my path, I murdered innocents people, children, even babies because of my revenge that had been placed upon my parents. That's when the elders and the rest of the travelling community took me down, draining me of all my powers placing me under a sleeping spell for a thousand years.

They thought I was sleeping was I wasn't. I was in utter darkness alone talking to myself, driving me to the point of insanity that I wanted to just end my life, I was conscious though it all every spell the chanted to keep me from awaking. A thousand years of torment I went through, but of course they were not done with me, they wanted my father to suffer in the worst way possible by allowing me to fulfill this prophecy of waking this great evil. It took them centuries to reprogram me, to place a door in my mind to hide all the memories I knew, to hide my vengeance, my fury to my own people for what they allowed to happen. When the ancestors knew that I would not be a further danger they allowed them to wake me, fill my mind with lies and delusion of what I thought were real. Like the fact I ran away on my 21st birthday that Alana was alive but she was long dead from a thousand years ago, all fabrications they had placed in my mind before they left me in the wilderness to defend for myself.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now