Only Love Can Hurt Like This.....

655 91 38

Klaus P.O.V

I felt conflicted after learning from Alexis that my fate was sealed, I knew a part of me could stop the unspeakable from happen, but that fear and doubt would enter my mind of what if I couldn't. I didn't fear a lot, but the one thing I did fear was death, now more than ever, because I had so much to live for, I have my two beautiful children, I had a woman whom I loved more than anything in this world. The thought of leaving them behind that alone was slowly spiralling into a dark place in my mind, when I became like this I needed to be alone. Star tried to be there to comfort me but even her gentle kinds words couldn't help me now, so I dismissed her I knew with the way I was abrupt with her may have hurt her feeling but it was better this way. I spent the night up on the roof look at the night sky, the starry night was a brilliant Van Gogh, everything bigger and brighter, blurred in the most fantastic way. Just gazing at the midnight blue canvass above stole every thought from my mind, the usual carousel of worries simply forgotten. There was the heavenly stars above and a crescent moon to smile down.

I couldn't push those who matter to me most away with my fears of death, I know with Star's action from tonight where she risked her own life in order to save my own. Love need not speak volumes. It need not demand proof. It never has a happy ending - simply because it doesn't end as long as love is pure and true. The love that she had for me was the purist of them all, so it was time for me to stop being a fool, and stop keeping her in the dark and let her known how exactly I am feeling about this circumstance that we are in. I began to head downstairs, making my way into our bedroom I expected for Star to be in bed but it was un-slept, I saw the balcony door opened I walked towards it to see Star standing against the railing looking out to the night sky.

"Star..." I spoke as I walked out on the balcony to see her deep in thought, I think with what Alexis spoke of tonight was weighing just as heavily on her mind as it was in my.

"I can't sleep." She spoke just above a whisper not even turning to face me, I didn't like to see her liked this I know I dismissed her earlier when she tried to speak to me and that was selfish to do so.

"Tell me what's on your mind." I spoke as I tried to turn her to face me, but she resisted snatching her arm from me, I was taken back by her behaviour right now.

"You spoke of no more secrets—" She turns to looks at me all I could see from her eyes was a lot of hurt. "—so why haven't you never mentioned Aurora, your first love, who is Tristan sister, and long-time friend of Lucien." I was take back once again with Star bringing up Aurora of all people, I had never spoken of Aurora to Star for many reason.

"Where is all of this coming from?" I felt confused with all this anger that she was giving me, considering just a few hours ago she was the one who did a foolish act my anger was toward her until I understood her actions.

"I asked you a question Niklaus." She stated firmly, Star wasn't going to back down from this, there was times in the past when I wanted to bring up of my past with Aurora, but what good would that have done? She broke my heart in so many ways I went on for over 500 years with that heartache, and from the moment that I met Star she healed those wounds that I thought were beyond repair.

"I didn't see it being important—" I spoke as I placed my hands on her shoulder to comfort her, but she instantly brushed them off in her anger.

"Not important?! You're unbelievable right now." Star goes to storm off, but I stopped her I didn't want her to behaving like this with something that was in my past, something I had long forgotten about.

"Aurora is my past, you are my present and future..." As soon as those words passed my lips I could see that it touched her deeply as a smile appeared on her face. I braced her in a hug, I didn't want her worrying about something that will never affect our relationship. "I didn't take you to be the jealous type." I spoke as I rested my chin in her head, I had never seen this side of Star she has always been confident, with the exception of when she learnt of Hayley was with my child, but still she stood by my side. There not many women who would do that, certainly not that ex of mine.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now