A Secret That Can't Be Exposed.....

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Klaus P.O.V

Our home was totally destroyed from the aftermath of the fight that Elijah and I had over an ancient secret that he kept from me that he compelled Aurora to say all those hatred words to me. I did speak the truth that he set out my course that the evil and vindictive side of me stemmed from that very moment when I heart was broken by the only person who I thought at the time would never hurt me. It all stopped once Star intervened, when I realized what I had done to her I felt a sense of guilt, but she also said a few thing herself that couldn't be taken back. Elijah and I both stood there glaring at one another after Star stormed off upstairs, which left both Elijah and I with no other option but to talk. We sat in the dining room at the table as the both of us expressed our thoughts about this currently situation that we were in, as we sat there I saw Star walking pass in the courtyard with a large bag in her hand the next thing we heard was the gate slamming shut. Of course Elijah tried to get involved in the state of my marriage but I sternly told him that matters concerning Star and I have nothing to do with him.

We both sat at the table both exhausted from the brawl we just had in silence, I sat there reflecting over everything that had happened today from the moment when Star brought up Aurora. I heard the door creek open to see Freya looking rather alarmed at the sight of us, with both Elijah and I covered in blood and wearing the tattered remains of our clothing, silently and calmly sitting at the table together as though we hadn't just had a violent confrontation. Freya, annoyed, drops the stake and rushes into the room, where Elijah is absentmindedly fiddling with what remains of his tie while I poured a glass of bourbon.

"May I ask what happened?" Freya asked while looking at the both of us unimpressed by what she was seeing, the last thing she expected to see was her two younger brother sitting here looking like this while our home utter mess.

"We had a little chat about the past." I smirked at her which cause Freya rolls her eyes in exasperation, she looked like she had been drinking like she has been doing every night since her freedom from Dahlia.

"I informed Niklaus I am not his enemy. And, though they entered the city under the guise of peace, Tristan and Lucien, in truth, are allied against us. A fact that required a little bit of... gentle persuasion..." Freya seemed visibly amused by this, but she keeps her face blank in order to not encourage our behaviour and turns to look at me.

"And so I reminded our brother, who angered them in the first place..." If Elijah had compelled them in the first place to think that they were us none of this would be happening right now.

"And, after all of this civil discourse, what understanding did you come to?" Freya questioned as she looked between the both of us, we had come to the only conclusion that we could.

"That we expose and destroy our first sired." Elijah stated with a grin, I smiled happily before sliding the glass of bourbon across the table to Elijah to show the sign of peace that we had declared.

"Couldn't agree more. You see, gentlemen know when to call a truce and turn our fury in a more pertinent direction." I smiled at my brother from across the table who was taking a sip from his glass, I didn't want to go against Elijah in such a way but I wasn't left with any choice with what I had learnt.

"So this is why I had a phone call from Star ranting about her disgust of you?" Freya looked at me with her arms folded, so she was summoned here by Star.

Flashback—Early Hours Of Yesterday Morning

"My life with you has never easy Nik, if it isn't witches wanting to harm your unborn children, it's your aunt coming to collect a debt that your mother made, to this... impending doom that seems to be conspired from Mikaelson's first sires..." Star was still furious and upset with this new knowledge of what her husband had kept from her, all she wanted was some kind of warning of all this that come into their lives. Star was the only one who had stood by Klaus, as she reminded him that in the time of her return everything that had happened she stood by his side.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now