I Always Put You First....But I'll Always Be Second

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I've been reflecting over everything that had happened the lengths of how Aurora went to in order to teach Nik a lesson, she took two women who Nik cared for a lot more than he cared for her. Me his wife who he claims to love more than anything in this world, and a woman who he had grown a bond with, who he shared his deepest thoughts with. She wanted to end both of our lives of course Cami's would have been easier than mine, but this assassination attempt on me was something that had been well planned out. Aurora wasn't working alone in all this, the guy who came to my rescue last night slapped those mystical shackles on me aided her. The more I kept thinking about the lead up to that event the more I was becoming convince that Lucien and Aurora were in this plan together, even possibly Tristan also. The three of them saw me as some kind of threat, Tristan invites me to join his little club, Lucien playing the concern first sire advising me to leave when he knew I would never do that, and then there was Aurora the jealous ex who had more reason than anyone to have me dead. She was given that opportunity last night and just a little longer that would have been my fate, but I had a different knight in shining armour come to my rescue.

All of this was happening right now because of their gripe with Nik, each of them had a reason to make him suffer even his so called friend Lucien. Nik stole Aurora from him, he was and I think still the love of his life, to have someone who you thought was a friend do that to you it would cut you deep. With all these thoughts running around my mind I came to one conclusion and that was that no matter what they will do everything in their power to break Nik and I apart for them to be successful in this war that's being played out. In truth last night was a huge eye opener, I saw that I will not be put first for Nik, as Lucien kindly put it when it came down to me Nik can be fickle. I want to believe there a reason behind him not coming, and I am pretty certain there was, but in order for me to keep my sanity to stay alive in this game of war's I can't allow my heart to judge. I have to lock it away and start thinking logically with my mind, no matter how much it may hurt, no matter that the words that come out are all lies. I have to start looking out of myself, I have to live through all this for one person and that's my baby boy who's thousands of miles away.

That's the problem being in love with a man who has lived a life making so many enemies along the way in order to gain power, Nik was careless and reckless. He placed fear in those who crossed his path all so that he in was top of the food chain, it may have worked all those years ago, but now he had something extremely valuable in his life. It wasn't me, it wasn't Rebekah not even Elijah Nik had two innocent babies that will be used against him. We're at war. We have always been at war. It's never going to end because we're not fighting an enemy, we are fighting a thousand years of betrayal, take one down another will come. It's tempting to see your enemies as evil, but there good and evil on both side of ever war. Everyone thinks they are fighting for something worthwhile, they think it's all for a good purpose. The truth is life is like a game of cards the hand your dealt is determinism, and the way you play is free will.

So I choose to take matters into my own hands, I was going to continue down this road alone in order for me to do that I need to break myself free from the chains. I may not enjoy the journey, I may hate the things I have to do to stop this viscous cycle that keeps happening. So it's time for me to abide to what's been dealt to me the fact's that have been laid before me that is I maybe not the most important person in Nik life. I am second to everything, his family, his only friend, he is willing to lose me then his going to feel the consequences of it all that's the only way any of this will work. So while Nik is licking his wounds and figuring out a way to try and convince me to forgive him, my focus is going to be on the three first sires and nothing else. Each of them have set out a personal war against me, even the people who I call my family are included. The Mikaelson, Tristan, Aurora, Lucien, they're all just spokes on a wheel. This one's on top and that one's on top and on and on it spins, crushing those on the ground. I am not going to stop the wheel. I am going to break the wheel.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now