When All Hope Begins To Shatter......

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Klaus P.O.V

Tell them about how you're never really a whole person if you remain silent, because there's always that one little piece inside you that wants to be spoken out, and if you keep ignoring it, it gets madder and madder and hotter and hotter, and if you don't speak it out one day it will just up and punch you in the mouth from the inside. It's what's buried deep inside that frightens me because it's broken, like a shattered mirror. I stood there looking down at the dead corps on the ground after learning that my child had been lost to me forever. Seriously, how many times can a person break before the only things left are shattered fragments too small to piece back together?

The storm is out there and every one of us must eventually face the storm. When the storm comes, pray that it will shake you to your roots and break you wide-open. Being broken open by the storm is your only hope. When you are broken open you get to discover for the first time what is inside you. Some people never get to see what is inside them; what beauty, what strength, what truth and love. They were never broken open by the storm. So, don't run from your pain — run into your pain. Let life's storm shatter you. No one spoke we just stood there stunned by the actions of this man, I glace up to see Elijah pacing, while Freya nervously was searching through spell books to find a way to retrieve Chance. I knew in my heart that having my little boy back in my arms was far fetch, what else I knew was if somehow we survive through all this Star will be truly devastated. How was I meant to tell the woman I love that our child was lost to us?

"Why would he do this? Why take his life?" Elijah spoke as we all looked down at Luca dead body on the ground, I hadn't spoken a word since it had happen. My son and wife have been snatch away from right beneath me, trying to absorb this into my mind wasn't easy.

"He was compelled, what concerns me more is what he meant by Chance is lost forever?" Freya spoke with fear in her voice, I couldn't believe that Chance was gone, it had to be a lie. Luca was compelled... maybe the one who compelled him made him lie.... What if it wasn't a lie and our son truly lost to us forever...

"I've failed them both..." As I spoke each word it felt like a dagger to my heart, the ones I vowed to protect I had truly failed them.

"Brother, you cannot speak like this." Elijah spoke as he stood before me with a worrisome look in his eyes, he knew that I was at breaking point that I just may lose sight of everything.

"The prophecy says the four of us will be fallen by friend, family, and foe. Star was fallen by someone she considered as family. That leaves friend and foe. You and I have a lot of foes." My mind felt like it was racing as much as I tried to stay focus with everything at hand all I kept thinking about was my son being alone out there. Taken from everyone who loved him, with my fury and rage brewing inside me I was hardly keeping it all together.

"Just one or two." Elijah spoke with humour, I looked over at my brother and sister to seem them reacting so calmly about all this. In one night I had lost my wife and infant son, it felt that everything was slowly being stripped away from me.

"Thankfully, not many friends." Freya spoke unamused, I couldn't be dealing with this bickering that I was surrounded by, I needed to figure out how to find Star and stop the Strix's from breaking the sire line. 

"I need your help." Damon spoke as he walked into the room, following behind was his younger brother Stefan. As soon as my eyes locked with his the rage and fury I was feeling rose to the surface he was the reason why Chance was taken in such a way.

"Oh now he appears—" I vamp-sped towards Stefan grabbing him by the throat before raising him two feet off the ground. "—Just under what rock have you been hiding under?" Stefan was meant to protect Chance, Star entrusted him with our son and he failed her, there only one thing that was certain Stefan Salvatore life ends now.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now