She Will Never Love You Like I Do.....

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 Klaus P.O.V

After what I had learnt from Camille about Aurora taking Star, I knew it was down to the fact I had taken her brother so she was going to use her as leverage. Any other time I wouldn't be concerned as I knew Star could handle herself, but that wasn't the case as Lucien had placed some magical manacles. From my understand form Camille they were doing something to Star to weaken her, knowing this now my concerns grew, Aurora may not be able to kill Star but she could certainly make her suffer not giving her no mercy. I received a phone call from Lucien asking me to come to his apartment, I didn't need a invite as I was planning to go there and rip his vindictive heart out, left Cami and made my way to Lucien penthouse, my mind began to race at all the evil things that Aurora would do to her, and from the little time we have spent together I learnt that Aurora had a wicked and twisted mind. I felt that a thousand years ago I was truly blinded by love, this was the person who she was all along, but love made me see something different in her was it the fact that she was human. That she held the same suffering as myself with blaming ourselves for our mother's deaths, whatever it was it disappeared from the moment that Star entered my life. Aurora may have been my first love, but Star was my true love and that trump everything.

All I've ever wanted from the moment that I had Star return to my life is to be happy, I was for a short time I felt that anything was possible, but circumstances were always against us. From Star not revealing the truth behind her connection to the cure, to allowing myself to impregnate Hayley, to coming to New Orleans under the submission of the witches who have at all cost gone not only against me but all my family. Would I change any of it? No, as I have two beautiful children, a wife whom I adore, and the woman who brought me here because of her miracle pregnancy dare I say who I have grown to admire. My life was very different now from what it was just mere five years ago where all I thought about was to gain power, but I learnt an important lesson from Elijah. Family is power. As much as I want this fairy-tale life that everything could just perfectly fall into place the truth is that life wasn't a fairy tale, and I had no problem doing what was necessary to get what I wanted, even if it meant playing dirty. All I knew now is that I need to find out what exactly Lucien had used on Star, and during the processes of getting that information from him he will feel excruciating pain. I walked out of the elevator marched towards Lucien double doors, I burst through the door began to search around for that weasel, but I didn't have to look long as he appeared in the living room in a matter of seconds with a concerned look.

"Not a fan of knocking, are we?" Lucien spoke smugly, I was not in the mood for his remarks not after I learnt that his placed some dark magical manacles on Star that causing to weaken her.

"I afford courtesy to those who are in my good graces! You've fallen short." I called out from across the room as I approached him, all I wanted to do was rip his goddamn head off for what he has done.

"Which is why I've called you. The whole Star situation has gotten a tad out of hand." I stopped in my tracks, gave him a murderous glare as things were not out of hand it was way pass that and Lucien practically gift wrapped Star for Aurora by weakening her.

"Out of your hand! Aurora has Star, you put her in danger!" I screamed at the top of my lungs as I vamp-sped to him, Lucien stood there inches from me looking terrified. "Those manacles you placed upon her—" Before I could finish yelling at him Lucien interrupted me.

"Where to insure the safety of those around her." He took a step away from me as he felt uncomfortable with the closeness and probably the look of murder I was giving him. "I put her in protective custody as Tristan has plans for her! I told her leave the city go be with your child, leave all this behind." Star had warned me of all this talk that Lucien was giving me right now, I did not like the fact that Tristan plotting something for Star. "Aurora has left something for you." Lucien walks over toward the nearby television and uses a remote control to turn it on. I moved closer to the screen, where Lucien is playing surveillance footage from the previous evening. The footage is from the elevator, where Star was out cold on the floor while Aurora, looking pleased as she held the palm of her hand in front of the camera, which has "JACKSON SQUARE" written across it. The sight of this causes my eyes to widen in horror. "I would say this does not bode well for Star." I continued to stare at the screen for a moment, where Aurora is blowing kisses to the camera and waving, as Star comes around as soon as Aurora notice she kicks her in the face knocking her out once again. I had to keep my composure before turning to Lucien, I had to keep up this ridiculous charade up for my feelings for the unstable bitch.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now