And Then It All Fell Into Place..... Clarity

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Since coming back here I didn't feel the same person no longer, it wasn't just to do with the shackles that had caused damage to me, but my time with Aurora opened my eyes to a lot. Yes that may have been the point to her dastardly scheme, but it was a true eye opener for me. Reflecting back on my time with Nik made me realize that I had been an utter fool, forgiving and forgetting allowing my feelings for him to control my choices in life. I've just grown tired of it all, a lot of things were brought into clarity in my time with Aurora, no matter how much I fight with it in my mind the truth is my love for him would always be greater than his love for me. Even though over the days when he brought me back he tried to be caring it felt like more obligation rather than genuine concern. The fact that only two people who meant anything to me would stop talking when I entered the room made me feel even more out of place. I had no idea what Nik and Damon were up to, but whatever it was it was certainly something I wouldn't be happy about.

This mood of mine didn't get any better with now having Cami stay at the compound as Aurora went for her after she finished playing with me, which meant she picked up on the same vibe as I did. There was something between Nik and her, a connection of some kind as Nik would sit and talk to her for hours about everything that was on his mind while Cami would sit there listening and giving advice. I recalled that I used to be that person that he would turn to with his problems, but these days I am his problem he spoke to her about me which was something I didn't like considering I knew her true feeling for him. I just tried to keep clear from any session that she would try and involve me in, as I overheard talking him about talking to me. She obviously didn't get the message when we spoke at the bar that I didn't need psycho analysing.

There was a situation a few days ago that I knew was down to her that was getting Nik to have me talk to Chance over the phone. I sat in the room as each and every one of them spoke to him as he babbled away during the call, the fact that the attention went to me to speak to him was something I was not comfortable with. Not that I didn't want to speak to him and tell him that I missed him and loved him more than anything in this world, it was the fact that I couldn't do it in person. I could hug him tightly and tell him how much I loved him, or see that smile on his face when I would enter the room. If I listen to them and did what they ask it would have only destroyed me further, so with me getting up abruptly, and leaving left them all lost with words. I know that they all missed him dearly even Nik who hadn't seen him for month, but the connection between mother and child is different to any connection any of them would ever have. I had to remain strong throughout this whole saga of endless enemies that are set to destroy this family.

Each of them began to learn to leave me be as the days went by, I hardly spoke to any of them keeping myself to myself. I thought it was for the best as I know deep down I'm a time bomb that any moment I will unleash all this penetrated anger to each of them. At nights Nik would try and cuddle up to me in bed as he did all I could envision in my mind was in this exact bed he and Aurora had done their deed. I would have preferred to have been naive to it all, but that wasn't possible no longer with the descriptive details that she had given me. So each night I kept etching away from him to the point that I didn't even sleep in the bed and ended up sleeping on the couch in the living room. Nik didn't really question it either, which was strange because I didn't want to be the one to bring it up, I was waiting for his confession but as each day passed nothing would be said.

I woke up this morning once again on the couch, I sat up and notice that Freya was walking into the room with a coffee in one hand and a glass of blood in the other. She gave me a smile as she hands me the glass of blood, I gave her a small smile before taking a sip. I knew that they were going to start questioning why I was I found on the couch every morning.

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