All For The Power.....

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From the moment that everything was brought into light that Chance had the last remaining piece of white oak, a million emotions ran through me. Fear was the first that came to me as he was an innocent child involved in a very cruel world because his father and family are associated in a very dangerous society. Then there was a moment I thought, why do I need to be fearful? His safe. No one would ever know where he is because his father made certain that was kept a secret. How wrong was I? I didn't understand Nik no longer, and I certainly didn't expect him to have been so open with Cami considering that he was a man who kept his guard up at all times. Disappointment was one thing that came to mind with him as I didn't understand when it came to her why was he so careless? I knew of Cami feeling towards Nik, and what I had witness I think I just seen that there might be lingering feeling towards her. It wasn't bad enough that I had his psycho ex coming back into our lives and trying to destroy everything we have, now I had this barmaid that may have just done that.

After speaking to Stefan I felt a little more reassured that he will make sure that Chance and Luca will be safe, I don't think I would be as calm if was anyone else. With Stefan being my father doppelgänger I guess his voice gave reassurance placing me at ease, that's when I knew that I had to stop all this destruction around us. The only way that could happen is by having someone by myside who was on the same page as me, there was only one person who would hold the same views as me, and that was Hayley. I didn't expect to turn up at her place to see her be a total mess, but she had good reason to be as she had lost Jackson all because he was trying to protect her and this family. I knew in that moment that she and I had to make a change, we couldn't allow all this to continue no longer, as I told her we have in our hands the next generation of the Mikaelson. We have the power to change the course of this path, Nik and Elijah may have the advantage of knowing the history of those who threaten us, but Hayley and I had something else. That was a fight within us to keep this family together, we both grew up not knowing our parents, we both went through that struggle and we would never want that burden to place on our kids.

Hayley and I waited to hear from Stefan all I wanted to know was that Chance was safe, nothing else, the more time went pass the restless I became. I was prepared to leave for Mystic Falls but I was stopped by Damon, who assured me that Stefan would contact, he kept making excuses which was only infuriating me. Not long after Damon speaking to me I saw him and Nik leave in his car in a hurry, I tried to call to see what was happening but Damon didn't answer and there was no way in hell I would speak to Nik. What didn't help is that every time I tried to leave the apartment Hayley would stop me, or she would use Hope as a distraction, she didn't want to act on impulse. That was easy for her to say if this was all the other way around she would have attempted to kick my ass to get out of here to go to Hope. The more the night turned into daylight the more the anger I had brewing beneath the surface was creeping up.

Anybody can become angry — that is easy, but to be angry with the right person and to the right degree and at the right time and for the right purpose, and in the right way — that is not within everybody's power and is not easy. With this situation my anger was aimed at two people right now and that was Cami and Niklaus, him more so for being reckless. Anger is just anger. It isn't good. It isn't bad. It just is. What you do with it is what matters. It's like anything else. You can use it to build or to destroy. You just have to make the choice, and my choice was to try to keep a cool head about this matter. The thing about anger, resentment and jealousy doesn't change the heart of others-- it only changes yours. I was seriously looking at the outlook of my life very differently right now, I was tired of having a moment of triumph then the next it be knocked down. Even though I thought I done everything right by pushing Nik away for his sake and my own, I've realized all I've done in doing that is make matter a hell of a lot worse.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now