I Ain't Running From Myself No More.....

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Davina P.O.V

I was driven to doing this, something I never thought I would do that was seek revenge on someone who I once cared for deeply. When Star came into New Orleans, and we finally were back in each other's lives I thought that everything I had been through was worth it just to have her back in my life. She had taught me a lot over the last couple of years that I should stand on my own two feet, to never doubt myself and empower who I am. Even though there was always this hostile between Klaus and I Star always stood on neutral ground, even when I brought Mikael back with her father's help she somehow kept her cool. That all changed when she cheated me from bring Kol back and swapped his ashes with Esther, it wasn't only just that but the way she attacked me looking at me like I was nothing to her. Even as the months passed after learning of her death and coming back as an Original to leaving the city, I always kind of hopes that somehow we could repair the damage caused between us. I was wrong and that was proven to me on this very day when I heard from her own mouth that she will not hesitate to kill me. That moment right there she declared war with me, it was going to be no hold barred, one thing I have learnt is to attack when they least expect it.

So teaming up with Hayley is the last thing anyone would expect, I didn't agree with what she did by taking Chance away from Star which drove her to place the curse on Hayley. That was one of the reason I refused to take the curse off when Elijah asked it wasn't just because it was a Mikaelson who asked me, but still in my eyes Chance was a part of my family what Hayley did was inner excusable. I was going to set that all to one side, as I said war had been declared so I knew that having a hybrid like Hayley under my hand I could use her to my advantage. Like I told her we both have a common enemy and I intended to help lift this curse as long as she and I were on the same team. While Hayley was still in the confinement of the circle of salt while I began setting up the spell to allow Hayley to stay in her human form until I got the spell directly from the witch who created it.

"AGHHHH! AGHHHHHHHH!" I could hear Hayley screaming from the other room I was grateful that I used that circle of salt her temper is getting the better of her right now. I made my back in the room with my arms full of supplies for the spell I needed to do. I looked calmly at Hayley, who is glaring furiously at me. "Davina, let me out of here right now, or I swear I will kill you." Hayley was full of threats, I'm the only one who can help her right now. I rolled my eyes and tossed a shirt and jeans at her before holding up a blood bag.

"You can try. Or, we can have a polite conversation about what I spoke about." I understood that Hayley was desperate to see her daughter, but if she didn't calm down and listen to what I had to say she will lose out on a huge opportunity.

"You magically kidnapped me on the one night that I can see my daughter. Do not talk to me about polite!" She was allowing her werewolf temper get the better of her, what didn't she understand that she and I were going to be on the same team.

"I drew you here to help you!" I snapped back at her, she was being ungrateful right now, not seeing to reason about anything.

"Elijah asked you months ago to break the curse, and you said no." He did ask me but I wasn't going to do anything to help the Mikaelson's not after the way they deceived me, but Hayley wasn't one of them and we had a common enemy.

"The Regent of witches can't be seen doing favours for the Mikaelson's." I tossed the blood bag onto the floor of the circle. "...But, maybe we can help each other." Hayley, too hungry to argue any farther, kneels down and starts chugging the blood from the bag as quickly as she can, squeezing it so hard that it gets all over her hands. "Look, I have access to the witch ancestors. I can channel the power of the one who created the spell that cursed you. You can be free, Hayley." Hayley stands to her feet and licks the blood from her fingers, clearly interested in what I proposing more than anything I knew Hayley wanted to be from this curse that Star had placed on her.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now