Between The Devil & The Deep Blue Sea.....

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Klaus P.O.V

Flashback—Mikaelson Compound A Week Ago

Klaus concern for Chance was grown more and more each second passed, with the news he had received from Aurora he feared for his son's life. He knew in his heart that he had to tell Star of what he learnt, but he feared how she would react, even with her being so calm about Aurora coming for her Klaus knew that this news would shake her to the core. Star could see that Klaus was behaving oddly since he looked at his phone, she glances over at Elijah who also notice the change in Klaus's behaviour. "Elijah, would you mind giving Niklaus and I, a moment please." Without hesitation Elijah left the room, Star turns to Klaus knowing that there was something bothering him, she knew him far too well. "Please tell me this change in your behaviour has nothing to with the fact that I am in control of the Strix's." More than anything Star wanted to repair the damage between them, now that she had finally gain control she knew that they couldn't do anything to harm either of them without facing the consequences of her waft as their leader.

Klaus who knew that Star had notice his change in behaviour, he wanted to blurt out what he had just learnt, but that would mean Star would learn that he lied to her. In that moment Klaus Mikaelson the Original hybrid felt useless, he didn't know in sharing this news that it may endanger their son's life. "All that power you will have, I assume you will use it to your advantage." He spoke in a casual manner as in that moment Klaus made a decision to keep the news of Chance to himself.

"Of course I will be." Star smirked as she approached him closing the gap between the both of them. "I know I've been distant with you that I pushed you away, but I did all that in order to fool our enemies to gain this control." She looks deeply into Klaus eyes knowing that her actions of recent had hurt him in more ways than one. "The way I feel about you doesn't come with a set of restrictions. There are no rules that say if you do this or you don't do that, I won't care anymore. This is just an aspect of who you are and I love you for the entirety of you, not for the different pieces I can pull out." Star could see that Klaus was overwhelmed by her touching words. "I will do whatever it takes to protect you, I will fight to death—"

Klaus was immensely touches by the words that had been spoken to him, words that he had longed to hear from Star. He thought that after everything that had happened she had fallen out of love with him, but Star had given a great performance by even fooling Klaus of her hatred towards him. "I don't want you to die for me. I want you to live." Klaus spoke as he titled her chin up so he could kiss her. Again and again, until she kissed him back with growing passion and until Star's body stopped shuddering.

"I love you." Star whispered against his mouth, knowing he wouldn't—couldn't—say it, not after the way she had deceived him over the weeks of her hatred towards him. Star knew that Klaus may find it hard to forgive her for her action, but it didn't stop her speaking the words that she has been wanting to utter for weeks.

"I love you, Star." Klaus whispered back to Star's surprise, he cups her face into his hands knowing that everything she did, all the cruel things that had been said between them both. "I wish I could be what you want." That all Klaus has ever wanted, he had tried to be the man that Star always wanted him to be, but at times he would fail due to his rage or because he wanted to protect her from the truth.

Star lifted her head to look into his blue-green eyes. "You are what I want, Niklaus. Even before I knew."

Present Day

The message that Aurora sent me had shook me to the core, I had to find her that was my sole mission, but how do you find evil manipulative bitch in this town? Well having the power I do I can have a whole police force to search for her, but the thing about humans they aren't reliable.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now