Sitting In Lucifer Den.....

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Star P.O.V

After the announcement of how Nik needed to be contacted, I was finally filled in with what had been going on throughout the day. It turns out that by orders of the Strix's they went after Rebekah in Morocco, I had no clued of this as they had their own plans for me by attempting to kidnap me to take me out of the city. All of this was getting out of hand and the worst part of all this is we had no idea what those three first sires were up to. Of course Damon was furious about his situation and who could blame him, after all he loves Rebekah and is prepared to go to war to get her back. Elijah respected Damon passion for his sister but he had no idea of the amount of power they held. Elijah knew if he allow Damon to go in all fangs blazing he would only get himself killed, and that Rebekah would never forgive them for allowing that to happen. Freya who was freaked out by all that happened asked us to meet her at St Louis Cathedral, she didn't explain why but I'm sure she had something planned to find Rebekah.

I tried to have a conversation with Damon but he was acting a little cold towards me which was a little strange, but then again I knew he was worrying about Rebekah. So Hayley and I made our own way to Freya leaving Elijah and Damon to discuss what actually happened out there. My mind began to wonder what Nik was doing about all this, he loves Rebekah dearly I couldn't imagine him being very happy about any of this. It wasn't like I could call him to see how he was because he would be with her as much as I was the one to instigate all this I didn't like it not one bit. Just thinking about her having her hands all over him just angered me, right now with all that going on I needed to focus on this whole Strix's business and nothing else. Nik doing whatever his doing to gain information and I needed to do the same. So on my agenda today is to find Rebekah and find out what they hell they wanted to take me out of this city and I will get answers. We arrived at St Louis, as we walked into the bell tower Freya was lighting up dozens of white candles in preparation for spell. Not long after Elijah and Damon turned up, they both seems very tense so I'm assuming there talk didn't go down to well.

"So, where is Klaus?" Hayley asked with confusion, I felt my blood run cold as I knew exactly what he was doing keeping Aurora sweet, I glance up to see Damon looking at me intensely as he knew there was something going on that was bothering me.

"When I told him about Rebekah, he said he'd pursue another lead." Freya spoke as she was leaning against the table and looking exhausted, while confirming my thoughts in my mind. Elijah gave me a significate look before he takes Freya's athame and uses it to slice open his palm so he can bleed into a bronze bowl on the table, which lays on top of a large, pristine paper map that covers the entire table top.

"Forget Niklaus." Elijah whips out his handkerchief, which he uses to clean up his hands after he finishes bleeding into the bowl. He then hands the bowl to Freya. "You will find her." Damon approached the table and looked down that all the magical items intensely for a moment before looking up to lock eyes with Freya.

"Now, you sure you got enough ju-ju for a world-wide locator spell?" Damon looked terrified about all this, with what I heard about the Strix's going out to Morocco to make certain that Rebekah returned to her original body made me feel very nervous. I understood how Damon was feeling we were both in love with people who had a thousand years' worth of enemies even if somehow we pulled through all this there would be another coming in replacement.

"I know of the profound love you have for my sister, do not doubt me Damon. She's my family. I won't lose her." Freya takes a deep breath before putting her hands around the rim of the bowl of blood and beginning the spell. "Le six ce strul no cruv. Le six ce strul no cruv." Freya continues the spell as she pours the bowl full of blood onto the map where Africa is situated. "Le six ce strul no cruv." Freya hands the bowl to Elijah, while we watched the map hopefully, I could feel that Freya was focusing all of her energy on concentrating on Rebekah, but the blood just spreads out until it is covering the entire map. "Damnit!" Freya spoke in frustration, the five of us stood there speechless as this locator spell didn't work, they must had a coven of witches to do a spell like this where she couldn't be found. Or somewhere out there was one powerful witch who was more powerful than Freya as hard as that is to believe.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now