All That's Left To Do Is Watch It Burn.....

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Third Person P.O.V

High up in the penthouse suit that looks upon the city of New Orleans a nervous Lucien informs the young man of the new of Klaus sires coming to hunt him down. As Lucien is tell the young man about the coming of Cortez who is one of Klaus's immortal enemies a rage grew inside him. Knowing that Klaus had many enemies and he couldn't stop all of them worried him more than anything else. He turns to look at Lucien who held stern expression, but he sense fear oozing from him also. "You only received this information now?!"

Lucien who was under the influence of the young man, no matter how hard he tried to fight it there was no way of breaking the spell he had upon him. Every part of him wanting to end his life, but he knew that this young man was a new breed into this supernatural world. In order to keep his own life he had to abide by his wish as much as this displeased him. "You have quite the temper..." Lucien spoke jokingly to lighten the tense mood in the room.

Hearing Lucien words the young man eyes flash a vivid yellow, the one thing he couldn't seem to do is control his temper. His anger burned so badly like fire lacing his veins and creeping up his spine, his skin all he could feel was desire; desire to hate. It was intoxicated with emotion, he had no intention of ever feeling, the acidity of it was residing within him. "Do not test me Lucien." He spoke as he grabbed Lucien by the throat raising him off the ground while crushing his windpipe. "If this Cortez is coming that would mean one thing." His biggest fear was the end of the life of Klaus Mikaelson, as he had his own plans and he didn't want anyone to interfere.

Lucien who was partly terrified with what was about to happen to him, as the young man was very unpredictable with this behaviour. He knew that he wouldn't kill him, well not yet, Lucien knew he was need up to a point, so Lucien decided to use this all to his advantage. "You're not going to kill me, you need me in order for your plan to work." As soon as Lucien spoke those words, the young man let him go in defeat as he knew that he needed Lucien for everything to go his way. "What do you intend to do to stop that? I mean you're so adamant for them not to know your presence.... " Lucien saw a little evil glint in his eyes, a look that was overly familiar, which only meant that once again he will be his puppet.

Klaus P.O.V

The look of devastation upon Star face when she learnt about the death of her friend Luca, and the fact that our son was lost nearly destroyed me. The look upon her face in that moment was fill with hatred, she didn't look at me with adoration as she once did, but there was pure hatred. That just felt like a stake to the heart, she walked away not uttering a words to me. Every part of me wanted to go after her, but what could I say to her? I failed her in more ways than one. I couldn't see a way to repair this broken bond between us.

As the days went past it was made more apparent that Star wanted nothing to do with me, she hadn't only broken ties with myself but she wouldn't even speak to anyone in the family. I knew she was grieving for her friend, her and Luca had a strong bond very much like her and Damon. As much as my sibling advised me to visit her I chose not to, I had focus on the threat that was coming. My sire-line was broken and my enemies were coming for him and I needed to be prepared. I had to distract myself for my failing, if I could stop this from happening then maybe I could savage my relationship. My enemies won't just come for me, they will come for those I love, with Star being the main target. I went into the study and took off the painting off of the wall, revealing a safe that was built into the bricks behind it. He spun the dial and puts in the combination to open it. Inside is a wooden box, which I opens gently as I walked away from the safe. Inside the box is a stack of old letters in fading envelopes.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 01, 2016 ⏰

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