Holding Grudges Doesn't Make You Strong... It Makes You Bitter...

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Klaus P.O.V

Flashback—Court Of Marseilles, 1002 AD

My memory of Lucien goes back to a time when our family was happy. Things were good... Or, as good as things could be as vampires hiding in plain sight. Everyone in Marseilles was held in the thrall of the Count's arrogant son Tristan and his sister, the Lady Aurora. A celebration was being held outside the Count de Martel's castle, where the entire court has gathered in the yard. Music is being played on instruments nearby, and guests mingle at the various stations. There were tables laden with fruit, bread, and cheese set up next to a practice field, where several women, including Aurora, are kneeling in the grass together. The women watch with interest as Elijah and Tristan practice throwing axes at wooden circles propped up several meters away, clapping in amusement when their axe hits its target. I watched as I sat in a chair, where I was whittling a horse figurine from a block of wood. Lucien catches Aurora's eye from across the yard and smiles at her. She returns the smile, which does not escape Tristan's notice, and when he turns to see Lucien staring at Aurora, he becomes visibly annoyed. Aurora does her best to pretend like she wasn't interacting with him before Tristan walks away. In hindsight, I could have done more to prevent what was to follow. But then, even an endless life cannot be played in reverse.

"Impressive work, my lord!" He was speaking of the figuring that I was creating in my hands, something I enjoyed doing while passing my day.

"It's a trifle meant to pass a dull day. But, I'll take it, along with the word of a friend!" I smiled at Lucien, who looks both anxious and excited there was something clearly on his mind.

"It is as a friend that I come to you now. There is something that I must ask of you." I gave him a wary look and watches as Lucien pulls a folded piece of parchment from the satchel attached to his belt and holds it out to me. "For the Lady Aurora. If you would deliver this to her in secret, I would be eternally grateful." I had notice that Lucien had some un-towards feeling towards Aurora, but it may appear that it just might be love which might cause a problem between the both of us.

"Are these declarations of love?" I smiled fakely at Lucien. "It's a... bold move..." I took a swig of wine from his goblet, to mask his displeasure at this request. Lucien becomes even more nervous as he once again looks over at Aurora, who is standing next to Tristan and is talking to several other women. Tristan has his arm around Aurora's shoulders, and both are smiling as they socialize.

"Oh, we shared affection for one another as children. But, since then, my station in life has prevented me from declaring my intentions." She spoke as he stares at Aurora, who sees him watching her and smiles affectionately at him. "If she would leave this place with me—" I stood to my feet and cut him off as I stare at the him intensely.

"Not an idea I would advise." I squeezes Lucien's shoulder affectionately. "Besides, my family needs you." I smiled at him warmly, but Lucien, squirms anxiously and hesitates before he replies.

"Well, your family's stay here cannot last much longer anyhow. Not given your brother Kol's...decadence. The local villagers believe they are beset by demons! Soon, you'll need to run." I was about to interrupt him, but Lucien becomes excited at the prospect of leaving. "Aurora and I can run with you! Aid you in your endeavors!" Lucien holds out the note once more. "Niklaus, please-- I would give her the note myself, but Tristan's jealousy is tyrannical. I cannot go near her." He pleaded, I looked over at Aurora I was torn between helping him and maintaining the status quo. "But you? You need not fear him, or anyone!" I sighed and hesitates for a moment before taking the folded note from him and smiled. Hoping to dissuade Lucien, I told him Aurora would not accept his note. I thought the matter settled.

'Your Love Is My Salvation' A Klaus Mikaelson Love Story (The Desire Series)Where stories live. Discover now