Under the Corners are Trouble

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The billionaire and reporter were left at the long big table after the children left to help their butler. Clark was processing all of the information that laid before him, recapping both story and proof that was he saw. The symbol of both accessories, the way they made, and look that didn't come close to Earth technologies. Ben, himself, doesn't act like any other normal child. Bruce's children are understandable, but the newest was different than any other life-forms that he met. He tries to connect the dots that strangely fit, even asking the same questions over and over. Yet it seems to satisfy his way of thoughts and reasons. Bruce, on the other hand, was very impressed by the way Ben carried the conversation. Recreating his own scenario from his previous world and pointed it as his base of the story. Looking for any signs of lying through facial reading on both him and the reporter. Ben, who was new and unknowledgeable in his dimension, was handling himself perfectly in a tight situation. Be it Clark or his own sons. Alfred was a little bit aware of such silence, excusing himself to where Jason is. Leaving his housemaster with their guest while preparing a few desserts. Bruce looked at Clark stoically, knowing the next words are for the nightly job. But that could wait until the next few days:

Bruce - 'It seems that we are advancing too much, we should stop it right here' (clearing his throat that caught the reporter's attention)How about we continue this interview tomorrow? (looking at the still baffled man)I won't be able to tend any business for the next three or five days, (pointing to the empty seat of the newest member)considering the obligation for Benjamin. 'Especially when it comes to Ben'

Clark - Oh! (scrambling at his choice of words)Um, of course. (clearing his throat before fixing himself)'That was quite embarrassing for me' I don't intend to hinder your family time at all Mr. Bruce. (with a small friendly smile)This can surely wait for tomorrow, 'Not to mention that I have to report about the topic to Perry tomorrow, or maybe later.' (a bit serious and playful at the same time)but if you'll allow me to ask. (now lifting his notepad for proof)Could I use your home internet for my work purposes?

Bruce - (with small laughter and shakes his head)Mr. Kent, I am very sure that you are more than welcome to use it. (then a bit threatening smile)However, like always, please respect each of our privacy.

Clark - (with a nervous laugh)Of course, you have every right to kick me out in any case I cross such borders. (then both men laugh humorously)I appreciate again your welcome hospitality, Mr. Wayne.

Bruce - You are most welcome, (pointing to his butler)Alfred will escort you to the guest room. Have a pleasant stay. (left behind at the long table by himself) 'Now, what am I going to do next?'

The butler and reporter left the area to leave said billionaire to himself. However, Clark couldn't help to pounder at such a picture in front of him. As Bruce Wayne himself, he likes children and always led them to the right way. Giving them shelter and any other necessities for their stay, just until they are old enough to leave yet welcome for visit. But as Batman-Arkharm's Dark Knight is another story, the day is different than night and so is his persona. He always buries himself to work, like any good detective that's able to solve any case both in and out. Even though he despises Meta-human for the abuse of powers, the understanding of powers that are born from strong emotions is dangerous. Unpredictable and uncontrollable. So what made his new adopted son, different? This will he ask the man in the next two days.

Meanwhile, Bruce who was left at the table was visited by none other than Ben himself. An expression that could tell the guilt and embarrassment, but also the seriousness:

Ben- 'Thinking too hard about the next step, after that fiasco.' (looking a bit pity at the man that was escorted, before glancing back to his adoptive parent)Is it really that necessary to do this?

Bruce- (surprise at the sudden boy's presence)'I didn't even notice him' Eavesdropping now? (with a challenging glint in his eyes and amused smile)

Ben- ' No wonder he didn't recognize me walking towards him' (shrugging his shoulders before approaching)Not exactly, (then leaning to one of the chairs near the head)I have a feeling that you don't approve any of my ideas. Especially when it doesn't come from... (phrasing the word softer)here.

Bruce- (sighing to his nose with a small smile)'How considerate of him' It wasn't easy after all, (but smiled as he glances at the very attentive boy)yet you handle it quite perfectly. (just now noticed the missing trio)Where are the others?

Ben- They're trying to contact John as we speak, (pointing at the lobby that was separated by the walls)since I didn't follow the supposed plan. 'If there's one to begin with' (remembering that there was 'no plan' to follow)Now, about my answer.

Bruce- Hmm. ' Straight to the point, interesting' (straightened his back but not touching the rest)It's still our day life, we are only allowed to interact through normal terms. (pausing for a bit as he assesses the next course of action)This means someone will call all members for a meeting soon. 'Surely the government will look for Benjamin because of the recent situation.'

Ben- (slightly remembering his teenage time, when he live without the powerful device) 'Those were the time, could have missed it if my situation isn't too much similar.' Must be hard to balance it out. (sitting himself to the chair that once sat before)Not to mention, I've been dropped off by some species that you have barely any knowledge of. (making the other chuckle at the memory and forwardness of the child's statement)

Bruce- 'Blunt, but with respect.' (with a nod of acknowledgment but with curiosity)How about you? We're you able to balance it out?

Ben- (shrugging his shoulders)Eh, treat it like a child's play and hope everything goes well. 'Which isn't a lie, really.' That's how you chase your own sanity, I guess. (smiling at the vague memories of his old-time)Other than that, you sometimes get bored of acting normal. (pausing a bit longer for thinking before giving a sheepish smile)If there's any more meaning to that word. 'To normals, hopefully.'

Bruce- (admittedly smile before rising up from his chair)To others, maybe. (small glance to the clock for time)It's getting late, (rising up from his sit before ushering the boy to follow him)you should be resting by now. We have a lot to do for tomorrow's normalcy or family time.

Ben- '?' (he too followed the man)Are you going somewhere tonight? (trotting to catch up)If you are, can I come? 'Better now than never'

Bruce- (scowling at the boy with stern eyes)No and no, Benjamin. (glancing to the lighted horizon of the city)It would be too risky if that happens, (making the other followed his gaze)we are in the most dangerous area right now. Gotham City.

Ben- 'Dangerous he says, but I'm pretty sure I'm the most dangerous person here.' (hums lightly at the others worries)Guess I have to see your city's record to know how dangerous we are talking about.'If only he knew.' (continuing their walk)But never say NEVER.

Bruce- (with a challenging smirk)Just don't regret it at the end.

Someplace, where a lot of people are busying their body with typing or running papers. Orders are flying left to right that could be heard within the red blaring room. Strong tapping heels are quickly approaching the area, blue eyes that are serious cold scan the data that's in front of her. Squinting at the charts that are displaying at an irregular pace. Then moving to another screen for another look and repeatedly, then at the sound of the entrance opening. A woman, five feet and three inches walks in and looking at every man that caught her presence. An African-American female in blue blazers and white top, followed by a blue straight skirt that reaches below her knee. Black gray stocking to hide her skin and black stiletto shoes, small accessories of pearls and necklaces that indicates her wealth or power:

?- I expect that you have answers now, Commander Harris.

Commander Harris- As you can see, this is all the information that we gather and study for the last two days. In all honesty, these power spikes are nothing I've ever seen in my entire service. We might be looking at the future weapon that might use against us, just like Enchantress herself if I say so, Waller.

Waller- Then we'll have to get our hands to whoever or whatever is causing this. The stronger our assets, the better control we have in the situation.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 28, 2021 ⏰

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