Magic, Power, and Grandma?!

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Wayne Manor

Alfred returned from his shopping, entering at the backside of the manor to put his shopping away. Work is always the first priority since a member or two has been added to the family. He takes out every two years old essentials like sip-cups, and pacifiers if needed. As for clothing, he believes that customizing the boy would do the trick. Ben may grow but it's not something to be alarmed, thinking that a week of waiting is a must. He already purchases a few materials, or more if he needed to. There are some vegetables that can be mush for baby food, he won't trust what was inside the preservative. Let alone have it eaten to the child that was given by Time-traveler and cosmic being. It goes the same to Zedra, the butler doubted that it'll digest any 'normal' dog foods. Which is why he brought the cheapest meat as to test the waters, he was clueless about what it's diet after all. It is better to be on the safe side rather than being in a goose chase, he cleaned himself before meeting the housemaster. He hopes that caring for a child was easy since they are vigilantes, yes? Standing at the door with a tall posture and unreadable expression, he opened the door and shocked in horror. The once clean and neat area has been tarnished, like a storm that was set loose. Scanning around to see any human body laying around, he was greeted by Bruce himself. Feeling woozy and unstable, together with four of his sons.

Alfred- Good heavens! (approaching the group in hurry and worriedly) How on earth did this happen? (examining every feature of each individual) Surely an enemy isn't the one behind this? (pointing to the mess)

Jason- It's the boy's work(groaning as he nurses his aching head) He had developed a 'spark' that manipulates living energy, life energy as John called.

Alfred- Was there anything triggered this sort of 'spark', dare I asked? (grabbing the nearest first aid kit, as he starts at the house master while Dick treats his brothers. He starts at the youngest)

Dick- It could have been the book or the words we've spoken,(taking out the band with few gauze and alcohol swabs) but we all speak non-cast words. Then he was brimming with power,(passing back the container to the butler) in color pink and green?

Bruce- He was still at the library, I'm guessing that he's learning every word that stores in books. (flinching at the sting from his eye as he let the butler continue)Force-feeding himself with information, including what John brought.

Tim- This leads us to our injuries! (pointing to his bruises and wounds that the youngest poke, earning a shrieking pain and laugh from the second eldest) He's power "accidentally" hit us... Hard.

Damian- Constantine is...(looking for the right words to say) guiding his power. He believes(letting Dick finish banding his head and proceed to the younger) that 'guidance' can help, rather than restraining or contain.

Bruce- Forcing a control is out of the option, (leaning to the butler for support as he seat to the cushion)controlling energy may lead either both participants in danger.

Alfred - Which explains the change of rooms? (looking around to see that they're at Bruce's office, instead of a room full of books on shelves.) I swore that I opened a door through the library.

Damian - This happens after 'the energy' hit us. We got teleported before we could reach the child and the exorcist (lacking John himself) was left behind. (seeing Tim whines at the eldest touch, he face the younger with a scowl of annoyance) Stop your gibberish cry, Drake. They are not life-threatening.

Jason- Spawn is right,(he chipped after the third bird pout) we've been through many things already. (the word triggered something from the back of his mind) And speaking of teleport,(all ears on him) John couldn't use 'that' disappearing kind of magic. It was always a door(confused a bit) or a portal with magic circles on it. (this alarmed the others)

Dick- Are you saying Ben transport us here? (looking at his brother in question, thinking a bit more from the incident) with the help of John? (unsure of his theory since the man was left with the boy)

Bruce- Or someone else did it,(all heads to the headmaster, thinking about his re-encounter beings)to make sure we don't stand in its way or get hurt. Did 'he' come to see his progress? It's too soon from what he implied. (worried in his face)

Tim- But if they came to visit or one of them does,(tilting his whole body to the side, letting everyone in the room to hear) should he or it see us first before Benjie? And if they aren't, then who on 'universe' came to visit him?


From the entrance of doubled doors were close, John Constantine was sitting at the single couch. Watching the stranger's delicate fingers support both cup and saucer, sipping the hot liquid through parted lips that smiled in delight. The woman was in her late 70's with green toxic eyes, she was wearing a blue cloak to hide the rest of her aging body. He noticed her eyes were similar to his first encounter with baby Benjamin before he changes to fit in. Her aura was different and he already knew, total defeat before the fight even begun. Zedra seems to be dominated, as he lay down in respect and helplessness beside her. The tension was thick in the exorcist's eyes, but a set of questions is needed to shed some light.

John- Who are you? (serious and ready, for he is helpless at the unknown stranger)Or should I ask what you are?

Verdona- (putting both items to the coffee table before she straightens her posture) I am Verdona Tennyson, an energy being that's not around this universe. A species called Anodite if that answers your question. (smugly, knowingly that he can't reach a universe to where she originally was)

John- They do (scowling deep but never reaching the Batman's glare)Why are you here? What is your relationship with him? (pointing to the boy whose floating yet motionless. He's energies that were colored green, pink, white, and blue was being eaten by the blanket) And what exactly is he doing?

Verdona- What does it look like to you? (hearing a threatening growl from the blond's throat, with a sigh of her own)He's establishing his connection using the blanket,(blinking in surprise, the exorcist nods his head as he absorbed the information) I'm his biological grandma which is why I'm here, kiddo. (Which slightly slacks his jaw openly)

John- But you're not that old, (raising a brow with deadpan expression) much less a grandma to someone who's a child growing in hours or so. (irked at the sudden memory just moments ago)

Verdona- Well,(she chuckles at John's naive)this(referring to her frame)is just a disguise. (before grabbing the cup to her lips and pause)My kind uses this to blend into any species we stumble upon. (resuming to enjoy her drink)

John- Okay(reaching his forehead by his right hand, resting his elbow to the armrest. Leaning to his seat)that answer the stranger in here. (His eyes then rest to the grimoire, seeing that the item glowing and vibrant with the same color as the boy)Now, about that book? (pointing his free hand to the object)

Verdona- His 'shards'(smiling, before putting her cup down) We are hoping that he can be restored here, in your dimension for good.

John- What do you mean shards?! (alerted by this statement as he straightens his back) Just why are you restoring him here for?

Verdona- Why don't we wait for him(addressing to Ben's feature)to finish so I could explain it to him and all of you? (with those sentence, both waiting patiently to their seat)

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