Acceptance and Denials

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Wayne Manor

All individual had their breakfast, Benjamin was the first person to eat because of his physiological body. Once done, they move to the library for privacy. After seated, Bruce explains everything to his three sons together with John, Dick, and Alfred from last night. The story was unthinkably real, even imagining the scenario was laughable and mad. But could not put it into action or words. They stare at the boy instead whose hiding under the coffee table, thinking he holds answers that none of them could bring up. As such, it made him restless and looking anywhere but the group. The blanket covering his frame, lacking clothes to fit from the sudden growth. The pup was being watched by a bigger K-9 named Titus, it whimpers but stood to defend to his birth brother. The air was tense from the moment it was brought, yet John cut it.

John- I did small research before coming here. (making all six heads pay attention to him) There were no records of an actual infant that's growing fast, I've consulted a few of my colleagues to no avail. Then to a pediatric expert, Dr. Riverdale. (which raises some eyebrows)Just because I'm an exorcist, it doesn't mean I don't go to one. She told me, their body structure will collapse because it was thin and weak if they did.

Tim- And if it weren't for the invention of these pods? (pulling a hologram of human integrity from his phone, one that's inside the pod and another without)They won't be able to move for the rest of their lives and worst, death at an early age. (this made the eldest worry)

Bruce- Forcing a growth would take not just days, it could be months or so. Conner is proof of that. (giving a recap on files from Superboy and Damian's own clone that was killed by Thalia's hand)But he didn't, he just grew without needing one. So what triggers his sudden growth?

Dick- Maybe its the blanket? (his two bothers deadpan at the obvious answer) because you know(talking to three older men about last night, pointing to John exactly)its made in space of galaxy.

John- It could,(rubbing his chin in a thinking manner)or maybe because of those accessories. (pointing to the armband and bracelet, it clung snuggly to his skin) But the question is, why would it speed Ben's growth? What purpose does it serve?

Jason- Well this is a challenge? (smirking at the problem) Guess we have to gather all facts to unravel the mystery. (glancing to the book on top of the table) Should we start to that grimoire? (making everyone aware of such item, even the once infant)

John- This one(putting a hand on its cover) was left at my front door before I came here. (Ben makes his way to where the blond was seated, popping his head out to see the point of the object) It may have a connection with him,(glancing at the boy) since it just appears out of thin air.

Bruce- Did you try to read it? (true that he can read word by word on every existing language, but not on grimoires)

John- It's unreadable to me. (which shock the family members, an unknown book that can't be read by exorcist) They look similar at first glance, (he open a page for everyone to see) but on closer inspection. You could see from small details(pointing to what seems to be a letter or a word)from each symbol, it makes them unique and unreadable to me.

Damian- Like security? (raising a brow in confusion) I've seen a few of these books in Raven's archive, maybe she could read this for us. (seeing four pairs of shocked eyes looking at him) What?

John- The idea was lovely and all but,(tapping at his forehead that Damian scowl) 'that' ornament isn't for show. What she sees, can be watched by Trygon himself. (raising both hands in defensive position fast) No offense.

Damian- I am not offended, (scoffing the exorcist)besides the information from the sorceress to help. Then that would be all. Back to the matter at hand. (seeing Ben reached his tiny hands to the grimoire)

Dick- Just what are we trying to him prepare for? (letting his eyes gaze at the child than to his adoptive father) Bruce bought him and his companion home because of two strange entities,(next is John) shifting his features to blend or fit in with us. (last is the butler who stood not far from his housemaster) The growth spurt that made him two years old and the book (frustratingly throw his hand pointedly at the object) that John couldn't read. (worried looks are painted on each face of an individual, but what shocked them was a whisper that's loud for everyone to hear) What is he even here for?

At the dead silence of the room, where the aura was heavy and thick. It didn't seat well to the boy, as if his eyes are playing tricks on him. Gray and blackish like flames were covering each person in the room, he tried to pat them away from John's clothes which earns him a pained face. No words or eye contact, he also glanced at the others that gave him the same sentiment as first. This scared Ben and his companion could smell his distress, but his being watched by a bigger beast. He can't move so suddenly without any consequence, ever so slowly to make his way to his brethren. But the boy couldn't take the atmosphere anymore and so, he cried. Loud for everyone to hear, stopping every negative thought and energy they give off. Then heard the whimpers of the mutt, comforting the wielder of both devices with pairs of eyes. The cloth clung tightly in protection, waiting for the child to calm by the arms of a representative. Which cues Bruce to pick him up in a panic if it could show in his features.

Bruce- I have no idea why's he crying. (rocking the sobbing child calm but gotten worst) How do you calm a child?

Alfred- It may be because we are all strangers to him. (this question each individual until it hit them) You introduce young master Ben to us, not the returning gesture.

Bruce- Okay,(letting the man look eye to eye with his new son, who's sobbing at the arms of a billionaire)Benjamin. (he called)My name is Bruce,(glancing at his butler in worry then back) Bruce Wayne. I'll be your paternal in your stay here, together with your brothers. (Which cues Dick himself to walk forward at the two) This is Richard (positioning him to the eldest of four) your eldest brother.

Dick- Hello Ben,(he waves and sends a friendly-warm smile with guilt) I'm sorry to scare you just now.

Bruce- The second(Jason walks and pulls the acrobat to side)

Jason- Tiny boy,(trying to pinch the right cheek but was caught by the child's right hand, as if shaking like a businessman) names Jason and I won't spoil anyone. (giggles and scoff can be heard behind him) Also, I'm not always home.

Bruce- The younger (who looks at Tim, taking a photo with the two which startled Ben but in curiosity) Timothy?

Tim- Hey (letting the boy see what's on his device, it was a picture of two curious faces) I'm the technician in the family. (Which earn him giggles, seeing two tiny arms reaching for his phone) Not when you're old enough.

Bruce- (shook his head disapproval but with a smile) And my youngest, (silent steps that froze the two years old boy at his presence) Damian.

Damian- (he glance to his blood father before the child in his hands) The blood son, assassin and rightful heir to the league of shadows(showing intimacy with glare but was stared instead, which he raised a brow. The billionaire noticed this small contest and forcefully end their silly game, by redirecting to his father figure. Which smirk in victory by the said blood soon)

Bruce- This is my butler, Alfred. (as he saw the curious eyes at the top-head) He's going to be your grandfather. And your godfather(positioning to the exorcise, whose wide eyes at the word) John.

John- Pleased to know you champ. (he fake smile the boy before glaring Bruce) I'm no family material.

Bruce- But you're at best in keeping this(bouncing Ben once) a secret. We are still unknown if he has magical abilities. (John just sigh in defeat, seeing as he was already at a disadvantage. They were cut by the butler, informing the housemaster of his leave for shopping. Since the growing child needs clothes and essential food that the man approves) That being said, (reposition the boy to see his face) welcome to the manor, Benjamin.

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