Grows Super Fast

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Wayne Manor.

The morning rays from the sun slip through the darkroom, illuminate a few furniture and corner of the bed that steers the raven awake. He was very careful in his sleep, making sure not to crush or fling his new son and pet. Fluttering his eyes open to adjust at the brightness, getting up to stretch his arms and neck. Rubbing most of his sleep away from his eyes, it was bright 'n early and the clock reads 7:15 a.m. Walking to his master bathroom to wash his face, then proceed with the daily routine. He failed to notice the growth of Benjamin, he cried at the tightened clothed he once wear last night. Bruce, who wiped his face dry, surprised at the commotion. The once infant is now a two years old boy, suffering at the clothes no longer fitted to him. He quickly removes his cloth and wraps in a celestial bundle, calling his butler to clean the bedsheets and replace it with new ones:

Alfred- He's growing fast, Master Bruce. (still in the middle of removing the covers) It's too bad we didn't catch his arrival on camera. (Now missing the once tiny boy he held)

Bruce- So much for growing normal(giving a nod to his comment, the bug-like-newborn was already three months old. He was looking at his brother from below, waddling his tail inpatient) Guess we are family of such motto.

Alfred- If I may ask,(pausing a bit) what motto would that be, sir? (waiting for an answer before resuming)

Bruce- 'No such thing as normal'(which earned him a chuckle from his father figure before working again) I should call John at once, also update his information too before the others arrive.

Alfred- Very well, Master Bruce. (seeing the man leave while continuing his work)

Living Room

Coming down from the second floor, he goes straight to his telephone. Dialing the old fashion device with the numbers just for Constantine, 2-6-6-7-8-2-6-8-4-6-3, and then it rings. Once, twice, third and fourth that he knew. The exorcist is no morning person at all, but he has a good reason for this early call. With the sound of picking the handle on the other line, John's voice can be heard grumbling.

John- Bloody hell. (clear as day that he just woke up, annoyed and demanding) What can I help you?

Bruce- I don't suppose 'that'(pointing to the greeting) is your business name, Constantine? (amuse at the intro for a second)

John- You calling me at what time for this? (sounding more piss and awake) If this is an emergency then state it, don't make me regret giving you my telephone.

Bruce- Benjamin grew(feeling the rolled eyes at the other line) he's two years old now. (letting the boy in his arms speak a 'hello' and bark from a three months old bug-pup before he returned it back to his ear) Grab anything you could find that similar to 'this' situation. Also, anything that's out of place from there. Bring it.

John- I'll be there in a jiffy(then dropped the line)

Bruce- (he also put down his own receiver before looking to the boy)We should get some breakfast before we introduce you to your new brothers(getting an 'okay' as a reply, their heading straight to the dining table with a toddling pup)


A hand knocking on a wooded door can be seen from outside, from the prepping hole was a bit magnified three raven haired males. One was tallest and centered out of the group wears a simple blue shirt, tight jeans and to his left was the eldest shoulder height with a hoodie, blue jeans, rubber shoes, and his hands are fiddling on his phone. Lastly was the youngest for sure, he's wearing three-piece-suite in white on the inside yet blueish-grey coat and pants. His necktie has a majority of light blue and yellow straps. The eldest knocks again, patients wearing but not thinning.

Damian- Can't this be discussed through other means, Grayson? (agitate can be seen in his features)

Timothy- He is right you know,(eyes not leaving the screen and continues to tap his screen) Why can't we talk this over the phone?

Dick- Because its family matters that can be explained through the eye to eye contact. (knocking one more time to the door without looking, but instead, knock on someone's head that he turn and the assassin scoff in amusement)Sorry, Jason. (with hands in defense and sheepish smile while the other glares, grumbling inconsistent words)

Jason has also raven hair with white highlights for his bangs, he was shirtless and shoeless to show his full-scar-tanned body. His pant was gray and tattered, eyes that seething are the majority of green but soften on blue. What seems to just have woken up from the wrong side of the bed.

Jason- What do you want? (rubbing his sleepiness and annoyance away) It's too early for visitations, come back tomorrow. (he was about to slam the door but was kicked wide open by Damian, hard) What the?! Demon spawn!

Damian- We're taking him(charging to immobilized the just woken teen, the rest just watch)

Dick- (with a sigh escape to his lips, he turned to Tim) Grab him a shirt and pair of shoes please, Tim? (with a nod from the younger, he evades the strayed punch and kicks to retrieve the said items) Forgot about first aid too. (clicking his tongue in forgetfulness)Damian! We're late! (hearing a click from his tongue, the youngest pulls a rope from a hidden utility belt. Wrapping at Jason's feet, wrist, torso, neck, then lastly his fingers)Nice work.

Jason- Can't I have my clothes first? (whining as he being drag out to the car, from the corner of his eyes was his younger brother. With the shirt, jacket and shoes on hand as he follows) Drats. (he was tossed inside before the other came in, the eldest at the driver seat with all passengers in. He drives his way to the manor)

Wayne Manor

The car was pulled at the entrance, killing the engine before three boys leave the vehicle. Giving room for Jason to move, putting his top and combat boots in before joining the three. Or four since John just arrives, which confuses the group and especially, Dick himself.

Dick- John? (seeing the man in a trench coat with a book on his hand) What are you doing here? (approaching the exorcist as his brothers follow, curious to why he's here)

John- Hello Dick, Jason, Tim, and Damian. (receiving each greeting) We(pointing to him and the eldest) have a serious problem.

Dick- How 'serious' is the problem? (alerted and so are the others)

John- Better see it for ourselves(both sides walking to the door and greeted by Alfred, the butler escort all five men to where Bruce and Benjamin are. Three were eye shocked at the two years old boy on their adoptive/blood father's lap while John and Dick horrid at the revelation.)

Damian- (a glimpse of jealousy in his eyes) Father, (seeing the boy climb down as he walks to Bruce) who is 'he'?(looking to the shy boy, who's hiding underneath the table.)

Bruce- His name is Benjamin,(the boy peep 'Ben' and the call of his first name) he likes to go by Ben. He's a day old, that grew overnight with(a bark from behind the youngest) Zedra. He calls him-('Zed' shouted by Ben, letting him get hugged)

Jason- He's nothing like Starboy, right? (seeing the cosmic cloth that covers the young boy's frame)

Bruce- Not that I know of, no.

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