Two Friends and Fathers

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A/N: Heads up! I got another new OC to introduce:

Micheal Frister- he's a genius that was always been bullied in all of his school years. With blond hair and green eyes, thin like a toothpick but never malnourished. He's always wearing a nerdy outfit with braces on his teeth, but he outgrew them out and change his wardrobe. His once thin limbs are chunk and ripe, it was probably coming from those lifts in computers. He was working as the ADMIN's technician when the auditory was being used before he met Clark Kent and became friends. Even though time has them separate from jobs and life, they still kept in touch with each other. Bruce saw his work on one event and hire him for his company, he also became one of few who built the 'Watch Tower' for Justice League.

Enjoy! Bottoms up!

At the specific office, two men are looking through the single available window. One with a smile that shows fondness while the other is excitement and curiosity. But how did the two end up in this predicament? It was after Alfred had guided his guest to where his housemaster is, leaving the rest to the billionaire. The reporter knew that his day job is something the other strictly impose, that's for the public to see and know. However, privately, they are just friends that are catching up on their other job. Both that they considered dangerous and threatening in both lives. Bruce protects his city because of his past burden and promise. Clark, on the other hand, sees nothing but to help not just the citizen. The two did clash on one faithful encounter, as it was their first meeting to team up. Alone they can handle what little problem there is, but together with the others is something that could help change one's perception. It didn't stop there too, since Gotham and Metropolis are next to each other via plane. The two superheroes are always clashing, be it coincidence or not. As reporters on news or paper stated, it was fate to work together for the good. But not to them:

Bruce- Clark Kent, (standing up to greet and shake the other's hand)a bit too early than the designated time for just a visit. (teasing the reporter in a friendly way)

Clark- (chuckles)Believe me, Mr. Bruce. (putting his free hand on top of his chest while doing a slight bow)It wasn't my intention to visit this early unless it involves someone's orders. (letting go of the hand before he stood straight)I'm quite sure you already know who the person is.

Bruce- Of course, (guiding his guest to seat at the long couch)but thankfully. (before he seats on his own)I was able to prepare ahead of time, (positioning himself for the interview)shall we get started?

The reporter and business billionaire engaged their work, most of the questions are almost script-like. The rumors from older women and teens stating that the man himself has a child of someone's affair. Having the infant left at one of the orphanages he was handling, paying the taker a huge amount to keep the news to herself. The gossips are getting out of hand, in which, Bruce was happy to clear out any misunderstanding. The baby that laid in his arms was a newborn, the person who manages the area was having a difficult time. It was their first time receiving such an infant after the previous handler had passed, in which he helped for a bit. Clark has written all the answers he receives into the notepad he always carries. He knew that every now and then, as it was work demands, to carry such items with him at all times. Clark wouldn't mind it, since most likely it's all about 'Superman' as the head tabloid. The interview about the big shots like Bruce Wayne is nothing but a side-tracks for visits... or so he says. They then talk about the billionaire's latest project and what else there is to talk about. Finishing the last question of the interview with his personal own:

Clark- Did you adopt a new child? (not looking up from the notepad from his hand, sweating at the sudden realization of his question. It didn't help that Bruce was also silent about what he asked)'I just have to run my mouth like it was my business, didn't I?'

Bruce- (after blinking his surprise away, he returned to his friendly-business smile)That's quite an interesting question you got there. (grabbing the others attention, meeting eye-to-eye)'He just overheard it from Dick before he left, as usual.'

Clark- (he chuckles dryly) Not really, (pointing to the door of his entrance)I just heard it from your eldest before he left for work. 'I won't get away with this, aren't I?' (using his notepad as a shield, hiding a bit of his face)You wouldn't mind my question to be a bit personal, would you?

Bruce- (chuckles while shaking his head)Not at all, (with a bit of remorse in his tone and expression)but I don't think it's a topic that I'm open to talking freely when at work. (then back to his stoic face, saying he won't take a 'no' for an answer)Hope you understand. 'But maybe I could show him a little bit, then introduce Ben tonight.'

Clark- (with a nod of understanding)I do, (lifting his freehand with a pen in tuck) is no need for you to explain any further. 'I should stop now before it gets into the papers.'(he then put away his pad and pocketing the rest. Indicating that work is done)But I'm quite curious, (leaning forward in curiosity)what kind of boy is he?'I wonder if he's the same as Dick'

Bruce- (gracefully he stood up and approaches the window)How about I show you? 'They should at the backyard near... there they are.' (eyes scanning the field where the four boys are before returning to his guess)Come, (letting the reporter glance at the figure)do you see him? (seeing the smallest boy in the group)He's quite smaller than Damian, (Clark is showing his curiosity and excitement at his friend's newest member)Dick was happy about meeting a new brother. (remembering last night were the two met which ends in disaster)'Not entirely, but he was glad to have another brother'

Clark- 'He's so small, he'll probably be dubbed as a runt in the family. Not like he doesn't know who Bruce is and his work for a living.' (he chuckles at his own imagination)I bet, (looking at the billionaire with curious glint and a growing worry)but what happened to him that made you adopt him?

Bruce- (chuckles before shaking his head)It would be best to leave it for another time. 'How stubborn' (looking straight to the other's eyes with a playful smirk)After all, not every story is my place to tell. (glancing a bit from his office watch)

Clark- (considering the billionaire's last sentence before nodding in agreement)That is indeed true, (however, he returns the gesture with a triumphant grin)unless you do have their permission. (both men laugh at their childish bickering before the reporter side glance at the hanging clock. A bit worried and shyly asked Bruce)I hope you wouldn't mind me staying the night, my flight is due on the day after tomorrow. 'Since that is the only day I can return. And while I'm here, I'll take some of a few far away shot of Batman. I hope he can agree on it tonight.'(Unfortunately, he can only purchase a one-way ticket because Perry being a bit too overbearing. He wants an inside-scoop of Gotham City because of political advertisement. Clark was on his way to sit and work at the on-going story about 'Superman doing side-track rescue' as a headline. Perry just caught him and quickly usher him to his un-timing flight with an unreasonable excuse. His partner can only drop him at the airport and Clark will decide how will he tackle his now problem. Fortunately, he got help. Micheal Frister, who suppose to be in his work as a computer technician at the Wayne Industry, has dropped by when the reporter called him. He became Clark's tourist guide, even though his other persona visits the area a couple of times.)

Bruce- 'He doesn't have a say since Alfred was the one inviting him.' (he blinked in surprise but still smile at the man)Not at all, Alfred already readied a room for you. (the reporter was sweating a bit at the mention of Alfred's work) How about we have dinner? That way, I can introduce you to our newest member. 'Let's just hope you don't mind him scan your DNA, Clark.' (leading his guest to where the dining area is.)

Clark- 'Why do I feel like I'm already in trouble?' Dinner sounds lovely. 'It's probably just my imagination. I mean, what could go wrong?' (he then follows suit. Entering the dinner area, Clark saw the boy he wanted to meet.)Good evening (but his eyes caught not just the cool watch on his wrist, but also, the arm brace.) 'That's a unique set of accessories.'

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